Questions about the Ultimate Hybrid, but with 6" of Latex instead of 3"?

I’ve been looking at the ultimate hybrid on I wanted to ask about a larger Latex layer, and whether that is a good idea. I am a 190 lbs, 6’1" side sleeper and my partner is 5’5" 120lbs side sleeper, and we are looking for a Queen size mattress.


It seems like the biggest downside to this over the suggested ultimate hybrid is the cost. But I was curious if there are other downsides, and if this is a good idea. I also saw recommendations from Arizona Premium Mattress about having the softest latex layer in it’s own case, and I wanted to ask about the advantages of changing the above to be a 13" case and a 2" case instead of a 15" case.

One upside of the construction above, is that I like the idea of having more layers so that if I change my mind over the years, or start to think it’s too firm/too soft, it’s a lot easier to customize by removing the top most softest 2" layer, and putting a firmer 2" layer at the bottom, or vice versa, removing the bottom most hard layer and putting a softer one on top.

Thank you!

Thank you for the questions. Right off the bat I can tell you that #14 ILD for someone 190 lbs. will not hold up for more than a few years. It’s just too soft to support that much weight for very long. I recommend the #14 to people 140 or less so it would work fine for your partner but you will get some impression on your side within a few years.
We’ve had customers modify the Ultimate Hybrid in all kinds of fashions so there is nothing wrong with adding another layer or 2 but the more layers the less durability. The nice thing about having a zippered cover is the ability to change out a layer if you need to replace a layer down the road.
Personally I would use the Ultimate Hybrid as is and just add another layer on top of the mattress, this way you are right on top of the comfort layer and you also have something that is portable for use when traveling and trust me, I travel with a 2" latex topper for use over a hotel bed.

Thank you for the prompt reply!

For side sleepers like myself, would a 3" 20-24 ILD Natural Latex sheet for the Ultimate Hybrid along with an additional 2" Plush Latex topper be reasonable? Or would it be better to use Medium Latex for the Ultimate Hybrid with a Plush topper? How would either of these compare to a Plush Ultimate Hybrid on it’s own for side sleepers who prefer a softer feeling?

Thank you!

Because the spring system in the Ultimate is such high quality it is a firmer spring than what most side sleepers would like. To balance it out an extra 2" of plush over plush works very well whether inside the cover or on top as an extra component. Like I said, I prefer the extra layer on top of the mattress as opposed to inside the cover but we’ve sold plenty of them with 2 layers inside and had great satisfaction.

Thank you for the information! I had another question I was hoping to ask.

I’m looking at getting the Leggett and Platt 8.5" coils, the 3" Plush Natural Talalay Latex, but a 14" or 15" cover instead of the 12" cover. I would like the larger cover so that I could add another 2" or 3" latex layer on the inside.

What I would like to do is to try the construction as you suggested for a few nights, and then based on how we like it, get an additional 2"-3" latex layer to put inside, either above or below the 3" Plush Talalay Latex, depending on our preferences. I know this may not seem totally necessary, but it’s because I really like the idea of experimenting with layers, and having the flexibility to get a final 2" layer of latex to really personalize the mattress to our tastes.


  1. With either the 14" or 15" cover, would it be OK to have just the Leggett and Platt coils and 3" or Talalay Latex (so 11.5" total) inside of a 14-15" cover to try it out for a week while we decide what to get for the other 2" sheet? Or would this be too loose inside?
  2. If I chose to add a 2" Latex Layer, along with the 8.5" coils and the 3" Latex, this would be 13.5" in total. Would that fit alright inside of the 15" cover, or would it be too loose? Would it be important to have the 14" cover in this case?

Thanks for your help!

L&P changed the original size of the Combi zone from 8.5 to 8" after I had already made the video. What I would suggest is to not get the cover sent with your order but try the components out without the cover and then order the cover after your final configuration is correct. That way the cover will fit whatever config you end up with perfectly.