Ready for a good nights sleep

IFive years ago, I also was diagnosed with Lymphoma, underwent high dose chemotherapy, and began to have severe joint and muscle pain. The chemo was completed and I remain in remission from lymphoma, but unfortunately the pain has remained. I slept great on the Spring Air interspring pillow top mattress we had purchased about the same time, until about 6 months ago, when I started having more pain in my hips and knees at night, and it’s gradually gotten to the point where I wake up every 1-2 hrs due to pain. My husband started complaining that his shoulders and back were sore in the mornings and we both said it’s time to get a new bed.

Which lead me to finding this forum. After two days of non stop reading, mostly on this forum and links from this forum I decided a gel memory foam mattress might be the answer.

I took my husband to a local Tempurpedic dealer and we tried the different cloud mattresses. He liked the Supreme best while I liked the Luxe. Those prices, though…wow, are you kidding me. We can’t afford $4K for a bed. Luckily I had first noticed information about Dreamfoam on Amazon, which led me to this forum, and I feel confident that I can get the quality of a Tempurpedic at a fraction of the price. Based on a lot of reviews, I think the Dreamfoam 13" gel memory foam mattress will be a good compromise between the Tempurpedic Luxe and Supreme.

So, we made the purchase and after all I’ve learned I feel confident we made the best choice for our needs and our budget.

Thank you for all the zillions of hours you must have spent researching all this information so that the general public can learn about what they are buying when they plunk down a considerable amount of money for a bed.


I agree! I ordered the ultimate dreams latex last night because of all the positive reviews here. Hopefully both of us can look forward to a good night’s sleep soon! So I will add my thank you to yours!

Hi Galtgirl,

Congratulations on your new mattress. With all the challenges you are facing a mattress is especially important and I think you made a great choice.

I hope you have the chance to let us know your feedback once you’ve had the chance to sleep on it for a bit.



I’ll add my congratulations on your new mattress as well :slight_smile: