Ready to purchase - have a few questions

Hi MarinaMist,

Both SleepEZ and Flobeds use Radium Talalay in their mattresses. SleepEZ and Flobeds both offer the choice between the Radium Blended Talalay and their 100% natural while Savvy Rest only offers the 100% natural. If all the mattresses you are considering use 100% natural Talalay layers then for those layers there would be no difference in the quality of the materials.

Savvy Rest uses 100% natural Dunlop latex made by CoCo latex that is certified organic for their Dunlop layers while SleepEz uses 100% natural Dunlop made by Latex Green for their Dunlop layers. They are very comparable in terms of quality and performance with the only difference being that the Coco Latex has an organic certification while the Latex Green doesn’t (although SleepEZ has the option for organic latex made by Latex Green for those that are willing to pay the extra cost for certified organic layers regardless of any performance benefits). There is more about organic latex certifications (GOLS) in post #2 here and in post #6 here. Flobeds doesn’t offer Dunlop in their mattresses … only blended and 100% natural Talalay.

There is more about how SleepEz compares to Savvy Rest in post #2 here and in post #2 here and a forum search on Savvy Rest SleepEZ (you can just click the link) will bring up many more posts and topics that discuss both of them. While Savvy Rest doesn’t disclose the specific ILD range of their layers … they would be very comparable if not the same as SleepEZ.

You can also read more about the difference between using a topper on top of a mattress and having the same layer inside a mattress in posts #3 and #4 here and in this topic. This would be a preference choice.

Flobeds on the other hand is a different design so it isn’t directly comparable with a mattress that has a different combination of layers although the quality of the materials is the same. It may be a better or worse “match” for you. There is more about the difference between their convoluted latex top layer and a non convoluted layer in post #2 here (in reply to question #4) and in post #12 here but it’s one of the “unique” parts of their mattresses. It has a different “feel” that is initially softer than a solid 2" layer that isn’t convoluted but then “catches up” with the firmness of the solid layer as you compress it more deeply. Flobeds would be more familiar than I am with the differences between their mattresses and a Savvy Rest design. While most of the “feel” of a mattress comes from the upper layers … there are also some differences between the “feel” and performance of Talalay and Dunlop even in deeper layers and some people prefer one over the other (it’s a preference choice). There is more about how they compare in post #7 here.

All of the mattresses you are looking at are certainly high quality mattresses and any of them would make a good choice but post #2 here has more about making final choices when you are comparing “good vs good” and there are no clear winners between them.
