received my brooklyn bedding talalay topper - surprised and disappointed

first of all brooklyn bedding came through with bargain basement price and lightning fast shipping - kudos for that

now the weird stuff …

i ordered a 2" queen latex topper which was $229 but i said i don’t want the cover so they took $30 off for the cover and it cost me only $200. today i unpack the thing - and it has the cover on - oh well, i didn’t pay for it.

the cover has “bamboo” written all over it, and also it says bamboo in the description on brooklyn bedding page - however the label on the cover says 50% cotton 50% polyester … LOL ! now i didn’t pay anything for the cover, so i don’t care, i couldn’t get the latex itself for less than $200 anywhere - but somebody who is paying for a bamboo cover will be disappointed to find out it is polyester ! and i know it’s not just me, because in Amazon reviews i saw the same thing happened to others ( who did not get any discounts ).

also annoying is the fact that the cover is not zippered ! there is no way to access the latex or to wash the cover ! now that is just dumb beyond belief ! once again - i don’t care - i never wanted the cover to begin with, but some people will be very disappointed.

and finally why I am disappointed is because i ordered a 19 ILD topper, and it feels exactly like the 14 ILD topper from Pure Latex Bliss that i tried - way too soft - and it hasn’t even been broken in yet ! now the good news is that PLB topper costs upwards of $500 and this feels identical for $200 but unfortunately that doesn’t help me ! i wanted firmer latex !

also the thing is jiggly as hell ! i can roll around on it as if i was on wheels ( i have it laying on a spring mattress right now ).

to make matters worse i don’t really know what it will feel like in the mattress i am building - the way it feels on top of a hard spring mattress doesn’t really tell me all that much.

i’ll probably have to wait until i get my 24 ILD Talalay GL Slow so i can stack them, and then decide what to do …

if only were as fast to ship as Brooklyn Bedding is … they still haven’t shipped my latex even though i ordered it half a week before i ordered from Brooklyn Bedding

the problem is i can’t exchange it for the next one up, which is 24 ILD because i already have 24 ILD on order from - and given the choice between this jiggly stuff and slow recovery i have to go with slow recovery …


anyway my initial panic is wearing off - and i think all is not so bad.

worst case scenario i will exchange it for a firmer one and give it to my mother to put over her spring bed that i’m using as my test platform right now. it improved the spring mattress considerably even in this ILD which is clearly wrong for that particular mattress.

anyway we’ll see …

Fyi, i ordered from the 6" 36- 3" 19, and topper from BB 3" 19, it feels exactly like the Beautiful by PLB.

Which item on Amazon was this - do you have a link?

None of my items were from Amazon i ordered from these sites,

Sorry, i didnt finish my thought on what i wrote, BB was purchased from their website and is what g1981c bought as well, I wanted to let g1981c know how my hubby and i interpret the feeling of our new bed from APMC, with our topper from BB. I suppose i shouldnt have answered since you weren’t addressing me. Lol

What comfort level did you order from Brooklyn Bedding to get the 19 ILD topper? Do you know what the level is for the 24 ILD pad?


I have actually bought a 3" latex topper from Brooklyn Bedding and I love it.

The ILD is not determined by the company who sells the toppers, but the company who manufactures them. Both those companies most likely order from Latex International. If you have a problem with the cover, just cut it off. If you don’t like the firmness you have, they offer a 120 day trial (this means you can get a different firmness). Why don’t you ask for a different firmness?

I guess I don’t understand the point of this thread. You got fast shipping & a bargain, You didn’t pay for a cover and you can cut it off. Looking at the product description, it’s obvious it doesnt come with a zipper, and you can exchange it if its too soft. In other forums, we call this Trolling.

Just my 2 cents.

A comfort level of 8 equals ILD 19 from BB, so he went with “ultra plush” as a choice - I’m not certain it really makes sense to criticize it’s lack of firmness when that is one of the softest ones they offer. I have a level 6 (ILD 24) on my top layers and I find it to be very supportive and comfortable, my wife uses ILD 24 in her transition layer w/ ILD 19 on the top and it works well for her there too.

Perhaps they provided you with an alternative cover?

on the topper page BB has a little “i” ( short for info ) that you click and it shows a table that relates ILDs to firmness on a scale from 1 to 10.

That’s exactly what Padinn said…

“A comfort level of 8 equals ILD 19 from BB”

A level 8 is a 19 ILD on their chart (Brooklyn Bedding - Brooklyn Bedding) The 19 ILD topper is considered Ultra Plush (really soft). If the topper firmness was too soft, what we are saying is that you should have not got a level 8. Why don’t you just exchange the layer? they provide free exchanges and even cover shipping.

I’m thinking they did provide him with a different tag, mine shows Bamboo. Anway, g1981c… if you don’t like it let them know, they had no issues helping me out.

Thanks for the replies and the link to the chart. I didn’t notice the ‘i’ or perhaps I had scripting disabled with NotScripts.

Hi g1981c,

I wasn’t originally planning to even respond to your post because your complaints just seemed so outlandish to me that I didn’t even think they were worth responding to but since others have replied with similar thoughts I thought I would add my comments anyway.

First of all … any manufacturer can make a mistake and the appropriate response to a mistake would be to call them first and ask about it rather than posting in a public forum first. In your case … since the cover was a “free bonus” … I think that your complaints are simply unreasonable … especially since you didn’t even bother to call them.

Secondly … your complaints and comments about the firmness of 19 ILD talalay which is the second softest layer that latex International makes is simply bizarre … especially in the face of repeated cautions I have given you about the risk of choosing such soft and thick materials with your higher weight.

Quite frankly … I agree with vici0usx’s comments that your comments are on the borderline of “trolling” and as I have previously warned you for a different reason that was a violation of the forum rules … you seem to be intent on pushing as many of the forum rules as you can as far as you can.


when i tried the PLB their top layer was 21 ILD and their topper was 14. the 14 felt too soft too me, but the 21 felt quite firm - i expected 19 to feel close to 21 - but it does not. it feels close to 14.

but now i think i know what happened - when i tried the PLB the 21 didn’t feel as if it provided 50% more pushback than 14 which should have been the case mathematically - instead it felt as if it provided double. and now i think this is because the PLB mattress had a relatively thick and inflexible cover while the toppers have relatively thin and flexible cover. when i put half a dozen of various pads and comforters on top of the 19 ILD BB topper it feels much firmer than it does all by itself - in fact it feels as firm as i expected it to feel - except that obviously i don’t want to be using it under half a dozen pads.

i already contacted BB and talked about POTENTIALLY exchanging the toper for a different ILD but i can’t do it now because i don’t have the other pieces of the puzzle at hand which makes it impossible for me to judge what ILD i need. this is why i ordered 2 more pieces of foam yesterday so i can evaluate this 19 ILD topper IN THE ACTUAL MATTRESS because i can see now that this can get tricky.

IN FACT ! because the topper cover has a very hard fabric on the bottom side, it will present serious challenges for me to evaluate the firmness of the topper since if i decide to keep it i will remove the cover and without the hard fabric it will make the bed feel much softer - but once the cover is removed, because it is not zippered, i will no longer be able to return or exchange the topper.

life would be a lot easier if BB simply put a zipper on their covers - how hard would that be ? is an $1 zipper really too much to ask on a $230 topper ? i would have been much better off without the cover ( which is what i ordered by the way ) because then i could do the proper testing which now i can’t without ruining the topper.

these complaints are not unreasonable - if it was your money time and energy you would probably see things my way.

regardless, i am not knocking BB as i have since placed an order for another topper - a 2" 36 ILD - this time i didn’t bother asking for discount since i know they will ship me the cover anyway. so clearly i don’t think BB is all that bad.

Hi g1981c,

Again … your inexperience about the industry and your tendency to criticize and find fault is showing through.

The cost of adding a zipper is certainly not dependent on the cost of the zipper and you are the one who bought the topper as it is. If you want a topper with a zipper … then that is what you should purchase rather than buying one that clearly doesn’t have one at all and then complaining that there is no zipper. As has already been mentioned … you can remove the cover which you didn’t pay for anyway then you wouldn’t be “bothered” by the cover at all … no matter what it is.

You may believe this all you like … but the fact is that my approach is clearly very different from yours, looks at a bigger picture, and is not quite so self centered. Your complaints are not only unreasonable IMO … but quite frankly bizarre and somewhat absurd … especially in the context of the replies that I have already provided to you.
