Recommended Manufacturers in the Los Angeles Area

Hi pinoyski,

Welcome … and I’m glad you found us.

It sounds like you have done steps 1 and 2 in the tutorial and are ready to start testing mattresses :slight_smile:

While only you can feel what you feel on a mattress and there are too many unknowns, variables, and personal preferences involved for anyone to suggest a specific mattress that would be a good match for you in terms of PPP with any certainty based on specs (either yours or a mattress), health conditions, or “theory at a distance” (see mattress firmness/comfort levels in post #2 here), there is more about the different ways to choose a suitable mattress in post #2 here that can help you identify and minimize the risks involved with each of them and help you make a more suitable and less risky choice.

[quote]We live in Glendale, Ca,
L.A. is a big market and I’m sure there are several noteworthy direct manufacturers you can recommend as a starting point.[/quote]

The better options or possibilities I’m aware of in the greater Los Angeles region (subject to the “value” guidelines here) are listed in post #2 here. You certainly have some very good options available to you within reasonable driving distance.

You’ve probably read this already but just in case you haven’t you can read more about Saatva in post #1 here and a forum search on Saatva (you ca just click the link) will bring up more information, comments, and feedback about them as well. While they would generally be a “better than average” choice compared to most mainstream manufacturers … for most of the members here they wouldn’t be in the “best value” range compared to many of the other options that are available (either locally or online).

You can see my comments about Bedinabox in post #2 here. I wouldn’t consider any of their memory foam mattresses (or any mattress that includes thicker layers of 3 lb memory foam). A forum search on bedinabox (you can just click this link as well) will also bring up more information, comments, and feedback about them.

If you are comfortable including online options in your research then the mattress shopping tutorial includes two links to lists of the better online options I’m aware of (in the optional online step).

I would also be very cautious about using mattress reviews (positive or negative) as a reliable source of mattress research or information and in many cases they can be much more misleading than helpful (see post #13 here).

This should be enough to get you started and I’m looking forward to finding out what you end up deciding … and or course any comments or questions you may have along the way that I can help with.
