Replacing 5 year old latex foam

Hello, We have a king latex foam mattress. The top layer is 2 inches of talalay latex. The lid rating is 14, which is rated as super soft. My wife and I are experiencing lower back pain in the mornings. Our base layer is 10 inches of stiffer foam, not sure of the old rating. Our plan is to order a king size 100 percent talalay latex topper, 3 inches thick, to replace our 2 inch top layer. My wife is 5’-2", 134 lbs, and I’m 5’-8", 174 lbs. What I’d rating would you suggest for us? They offer soft which is ild 19, and medium which is ideal 28. We both are side and back sleepers. Thanks for any suggestions.

I would probably do a split in your case initially going with soft on your wife’s wide and medium on your side. This way you have both there at once to try and if either doesn’t work out you don’t need to replace an entire king topper, just a twin XL. This also makes things easier in case one side wears out faster you only replace one side.

14 ILD latex is quite soft and is not too surprising that it only lasted you 5 years, of course factors like quality of latex, amount of use and adjustable bed frame or not play into the 5 year limit.

2" is also on the thin side to provide much comfort. I think you will find 3" to give you more comfort as its extra depth lets you sink in a little bit more.

You say 28 ILD is ideal? Personally, that is my top layer of latex, so I would agree, but you are used to 14 ILD which is squishy! 19 ILD would give a similar feel to the 14 but the 28 would definitely feel firmer. Whether it is right for you is simply is up to your body and mind and what firmness it prefers. You kinda have to go with what feels like the right choice as the ultimate decision maker. :slight_smile: