Replacing Simmons Classic Atkins

Hi, I am on the search for a new mattress after having made two unsuccesful purchases in the last five years. One was a Sleep Number, the other a Simmons Beautyrest Classic “Atkins” model. I have an L5 disc issue which causes me some pain, usually when lifting or playing tennis. The most pain I have however, is about 4 a.m. until I finally just get out of bed. Then after about a half hour I find I can actually move pain free. The Atkins bed has a pillowtop which I’ve been told to avoid. I literally slide out of bed because I cannot sit up and put my feet on the ground. This bed is only a year old, so I would like to buy something this time that will last. But the more I research the more I’m confused about innercoil vs. memory foam, etc. Do NOT want to make a big mistake again. I am 57 yrs. old, 130 lbs. Help is appreciated. Vicki

Hi Vicki,

The first thing I would suggest is to read this article that will help you avoid and eliminate most of the worst choices when you are shopping for a mattress.

The first step in your search is to do a little bit of preliminary research. Part of this would be into mattresses and mattress materials which you can do by scanning the overviews in the mattresses section of the site here. Don’t worry about “studying” them … all you need is enough information to ask better questions and better understand the answers … and to know when you are being given marketing information and a sales pitch or are being given accurate and educational information about mattress materials that is designed to help you make your best choices.

The second part of your research is to find some factory direct outlets or better sleep shops to test the different combinations of materials that you are most interested in. Starting off by finding better outlets that have the knowledge, service, and value to help you make your best choices is more important than trying to decide on a mattress. If you choose the wrong outlets (such as most chain stores) or look at major brands, not only will you likely end up buying a mattress that you have no idea about it’s quality, value, or suitability for your needs and preferences … but anything they carry or that you end up buying will likely be lower quality and higher priced than many better alternatives that are available to you.

If you let me know the city or zip where you live, I’d be happy to let you know of any local manufacturers or better outlets in your area.

Some preliminary research and connecting with an “expert” with the experience, knowledge, and value to help you make great choices is the most important thing you can do first :slight_smile:


Thanks, I am in the Melbourne, Florida area. I’ve been looking around and today I tried out a Pure Latex Bliss (Nature) model. It was recommended to me by my chiropractor who owns one. It felt good, but who knows? Just don’t want to make another mistake!

You should check out “green dwellers”, excellent products.

I looked at this site, but could find no pricing, which is a little scary.

They will definately be competitive with pure latex bliss. Great products my store in NC has many of the same but I am one that really believes its a good idea to try it out.

Hi vicki,

While they carry some high quality mattresses … you may be even more scared when you see the prices of some of them :).

Pure latex Bliss are high quality mattresses and tend to have “better than average” value compared to most mainstream mattresses (and some of the more expensive latex mattresses) but are not generally in the same value range as many other smaller local manufacturers.

Post #4 here has some of the better options I’m aware of that are reasonably close to you there are some general descriptions of some of them in post #2 here.


Again, selling most of the same products they do I suggest you check them out. They will well be in line with bliss (which by the way is a good product).

I have finally decided on a mattress after several failed purchases over the past couple of years. I’ve gone the route of the air mattress, a newer coil mattress, and after lots of research, have decided on a latex mattress. Specifically the Latex Ultra Bliss. The first night I was so nervous wondering if I’d dropped too much money (again) on a mattress, so I didn’t sleep that well. After that though I began sleeping sounder and for the first time in two years have been sleeping past 4 a.m. without back pain! Granted, I am seeing a chiropractor 3X a week now for the past month, and am doing some mild yoga before bedtime, all of which is helping my lower back issues. But knew my old bed was contributing to my pain, because I was sore all over every morning. Since I had just bought it a year ago, I couldn’t bring myself to spend more money in another possible failed attempt. I will post again in a few months to give an update. But so far, so good on the latex…:slight_smile: Keeping my fingers crossed!


Thanks for the review … and congratulations on your new mattress :slight_smile:

Was it the Pure Latex Bliss (vs Latex Ultra Bliss) that you bought?

I think you made a good choice and with latex you won’t have to worry about the softening that is so common with polyfoam in your comfort layers.
