Report on my first week with our all latex mattress from Sleep EZ

We have a platform bed with a memory foam mattress made by a local mom and pop factory several years ago and while we liked it at first, I’ve been waking up with severe back pain and stiffness for the past 6 months and suspected it might be the mattress, but not sure. We knew we wanted latex because my husband had grown up sleeping on a latex mattress, both of us like slighter firmer beds and we liked the feel of the latex from our visits to local stores. Latex was the only choice for us.
After lurking and posting on this forum a few times, and visiting two local mattress stores near us, we finally decided to order our all latex mattress from Sleep EZ. Like most people here, I found Sean to be polite and nice, and he readily answered the few questions I had (after reading so much on the internet and especially here, didn’t have too many questions left!). We decided to go with the 8" October special (that is still on the website so may be a permanent special :-), described as: Two 3" Layers of 100% natural “Dunlop” latex + one 2" Layer of 100% natural "Talalay"latex encased in 4 way zipper cotton cover. I was confused as to whether this was the same as the organic latex they also sell for more money; per Sean it is, and the difference is the cotton versus wool encased cover. We ordered 2 separate firms for the bottom layer, two mediums and Sean recommended one large soft, since with the cotton cover, as opposed to the wool one, you can feel the separation between two mattresses.

We needed a special size mattress to fit our platform bed (in between a king and a queen) so we paid for the king and sleepez cut it to our specs.

I had forgotten to mention I was a member of this forum so after paying I emailed them back and with no hesitation they sent me a check to cover my discount! (Thanks MU!!)

I received a few email updates from both Jeremy of Sleep EZ and UPS of the deliver status. Funny story is that a few days later a truck pulls up in front of the house next door, two guys pull out a mattress and start bringing it to my neighbors. My husband and I assume it is our mattress and ask them if they are from Sleep EZ. They reply yes and we tell them that it is our mattress and to bring it to us. My neighbor walks out of her house and says that it is her mattress that she has just ordered from Sleep EZ. Since mine wasn’t due for a few more days I assume she is correct and we both laugh at the coincidence that we have both ordered mattresses from the same company at the same time. Then I realize hers is from the local Sleepys, not Sleep EZ! Should have known right away when hers comes out wrapped in plastic and looking like a mattress rather in separate boxes as I’d been told mine would come! And very glad she was home or else we probably would have had her mattress up in our bedroom before we realized!

We waited a few more days and then learned that ours was stuck in NJ and due to Hurricane Sandy the delivery date was unknown. We are supremely bummed and had visions of our mattresses swimming in some warehouse.
Happily, I found three large boxes on my porch about 5 days later. Our mattress had arrived!

The first comment my husband made is one I think everyone makes: there is no way we will ever be able to return one of these layers in any of these boxes if we have to! We unpacked the boxes on the first floor and he was able to carry the layers up to our third floor bedroom.

The layers are well labeled firm, medium and soft so it wasn’t hard to figure out how to put the bed together and no directions were needed. We started with firm on the bottom for both of us and figured we switch to firm in the middle if we needed.

The cotton cover was a very pleasant surprise. It was much nicer than I had expected - a very pretty and heavy enough soft quilted cover. We had decided on the cotton because it was organic and because we wanted to feel the latex and were concerned the wool cover might be too thick for us.

My husband was concerned that the cover wouldn’t fit all the layers but I assured him that everyone has that concern and that it would fit, and it did. Only took us about 10 minutes to put it all together and to zip the cover closed.

We’ve now slept on it a week and here is my feedback. We love it! It is softer than we thought so we may switch the firm and the medium layers but for now we are giving it a few more days to get used to the whole latex feel. But it is extremely comfortable. We both are sleeping very well on it and my back ache is completely gone - seriously! Our only complaint is that the mattress slides around a bit on our smooth wooden platform bed, which explains what that thin polyfoam layer was that we were given for our last mattress. Luckily we had kept that so I suspect after we put that down between the latex mattress and the bed we will be fine and as it is so thin, it shouldn’t impact our sleeping at all.

Bottom line is that we are supremely happy so far with our mattress and Sleep EZ. Fortunately we don’t think we will have to return/exchange any layers so can’t comment on that process, but we are loving our new mattress and very happy with the better and more comfortable sleep we are having these days!

Hi Myjanda,

Thanks for taking the time to write such a great review :).

I’m always grateful for the members here who provide such informative reviews and feedback and I know that they are very helpful for others who are thinking of going in the same direction.
