Researching Bowles

Looking for current feedback on Bowles products. Most likely interested in a $1,000 to $1,500 price point. 230 lb. side sleeper. Thanks.

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Hi LSVann and new fellow MUGstr, and welcome to TMU.
I think the best place to start your new mattress journey is perusing a few of our tutorials to guide you in selecting the best mattress for all your PPP’s (Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and Personal preferences) and Body profile information so that you can make an informed and educated decision on a new mattress. Complete Mattress Tutorial or you can choose the tutorial based on your level of knowledge here Choosing the best Tutorial

No one can tell you what you are going to like when it comes to a mattress system. Two similarly sized individuals and two opposite sized individuals, may find themselves at odds with any particular selection. While it is imperative to consider your size, weight, sleeping position, posture and alignment, it will take a bit more thoughtfulness to get to an end result.

When reviewing the Bowles site, it is very encouraging that they seem to be very transparent about their productions. Each mattress is described in reasonably good detail, disclosing each layer of the mattress, its density, spring gauge and so on.

As a larger person, some key factors you may want to consider are, the type of foam, gauge of spring and what type of comfort layer you prefer. Spring gauges, generally speaking, in the 12.5 -13.75g will provide a nice support core for the other layers to surround it. Foam density of 1.8lbs is going to be where you want to begin, and memory foam density in the 4lb to 5lb range is also a minimum for consideration. As you read through the tutorials, you will find that the denser the foam, the more durable it will tend to will provide longevity as compared to its skimpier counterparts.

Remember, these are simply general guidelines. A thinner gauge coil, double hardened, with an appropriate number of turns, you can read about coils here coils

It just so happens that Bowles HD Series is in your price range and with the HD foam, you might do quite well.

But in that family of mattress styles, a case could easily be made that an @DLX classic flippable mattress would offer you excellent support with slightly more dense and durable foam Classic Hybrid

The reality is, none of this is going to definitively decide what you will ultimately love, until you have decided on the type of mattress and feel you are most comfortable.

I suggest you take a few breaths and read a little to keep yourself informed, try a few mattress combinations in person, just to get a sense of what direction you want to lean.

I find that initially “testing” mattresses provides one thing. Mattresses that you know you do not like, usually ones leaning soft. If you lay on a mattress that is way too soft, you will know it right away. Firmer mattresses can be tricky as they may seem firm in the showroom and 30 days in you realize that firm mattress, softened beyond comfort.

Always go with another person, so they can see you posture and alignment while lying on the mattress. This is not a 10-minute test. You should give at least 20-30minutes on a mattress when you have narrowed down your selection, about the time it will take you to fall asleep. Some comfort layers will start to soften depending on material and density and you will find, it starts off great and starts fading fast.

Hopefully this will give you a starting point.

All the best,
