Sealey Posturepedic Gel ti3 or icomfort firm for stomach sleeper?

Help! I am going insane trying to figure out what type of bed to get! I am 5’7" wt. 160 stomach sleeper, husband is 6’2" 200 lbs. back sleeper. We are at the point where we can no longer stand our current mattress - a “blind” purchase I had made of the “W” hotel bed, which I slept on and loved. Ordered it, and have been miserable on it for the past 5 years. It didn’t start bothering my husband who can sleep on anything (I’m more the “princess and the pea” type) until recently when he hurt his back. Now, finally, he too is miserable in this bed so we are in the market for a new mattress finally! I’m SO ready to ditch the 5 pillows I have to sleep with (head pillow, leg pillow and 2 side prop pillows!) in order to get any type of rest at night!

Husband HATES shopping, so we’ve only gone to 2 stores so far. Were at Sears yesterday and tested all the beds there. They all felt good at first! I think we narrowed it down to the king Sealey posturpedic gel euro pillowtop ti3 ( on sale for abt. $1300 (box spring/delivery included). The problem is that he prefers the plush, while I prefer the “firm”. The other choice was the icomfort firm for abt. the same price. Two concerns on that were that the salesperson tried to steer me away from it saying that it will be MUCH “firmer” upon receipt of the mattress and most of her customers were not happy with it because of that. She suggested the Medium if I liked that style. However, being a stomach sleeper, when I lay down upon it, my face gets sinks in too far into the mattress so that my nostrils are smooshed in and I can’t breathe properly!
Thanks to my discovering this forum, I found that we live near a place Phoenix has suggested - , so I am going to head down there today and see if they can help suggest something that might be a reasonable, workable compromise in the price range we are looking for (up to $1700). After reading here, I’ve been thinking latex may be something we should consider, but I’m just not sure how it would be for a stomach sleeper like myself. Anyway… I realize I am rambling, but if anyone has any words of advice or encouragement for me, I’d very much appreciate it! After screwing up on the last 3 mattresses we’ve bought (3 in 15 years), I’m feeling very much like a “mattress school dropout”!

Hi DJ,

I would also make sure you have read post #1 here which will give you all the information, steps, and guidelines you need to make good choices.

You may need to “unlearn” a few things about how to find the best mattress (including to avoid major brands or any mattress where you can’t find out the quality specs of what is in it) and I would spend a couple of hours reading it and the links it contains before even starting to look at mattresses so you are armed with the information you will need before you go to test mattresses.
