I’ve just purchased the Ultimate Dreams Eurotop King Latex Mattress, and was wondering if anyone has any advice or experience with the Ultimate Dreams Genius Hi Rise Frame? (Amazon.com)
I’m mainly hoping for something firm and not squeaky or creaky, and any input on this topic would be appreciated. I’m open to other recommendations as well.
I don’t have any direct experience with it but it would certainly be a suitable base for your mattress in terms of strength and durability (which is usually the case if a manufacturer suggests a particular foundation for their mattresses).
The foundation thread here has a list of the better foundation options I’m aware of and more information about the wire grid types and other choices as well. I have seen a few reports of squeaking with these types of foundations in general but the squeaks seem to come from the attachment arms and don’t seem difficult to fix if it happens but of course this isn’t based on my own personal experience.