Seeking latex pillow recommendations

Hello TMU,

My partner and I are looking for latex pillow recommendations. So many choices!
I am considering one like this: Organic and Natural Latex Pillows - Soaring Heart Natural Bed Company
I like that it’s organic and have used this shape for many years (memory foam).
My partner is considering one like this:
He’s a side sleeper and is considering high loft.

Any feedback would be appreciated~thanks!

Hi buttercupbetty,

You’re right that there are hundreds of choices!

A suitable pillow is an essential part of good alignment for the head and neck and upper body because the gap between the head and the mattress and the curve of the cervical spine needs to be supported just like all other parts of the spine. Like mattresses … there are certain “needs” that depend on body type and sleeping positions (and on the firmness of the mattress you are sleeping on) but with pillows, personal preferences play a more important role because the face is much more sensitive to textures, temperature, smells, and other more subjective “feel” based properties of a pillow. There is more about choosing pillows in the pillow thread here and the other topics and sources of information that it links to that may be helpful as well.

Better sleep shops will often have samples of their pillows available for you to try (they should be in a pillowcase and not a plastic wrapping) so you can try different types of pillows and pillow materials in person and use your own personal experience rather than just “theory” to help you decide on the types of pillows and pillow stuffing you tend to prefer.

Hopefully some of the members that have tried the pillows you linked will see your post and share their comments about them or about other latex pillows you have tried but of course I would always keep in mind that their own needs and preferences or their experience on any particular pillow may be very different from your own.

I still like the Malouf zoned latex pillow I mentioned in post #3 in the pillow topic but my current favorite is still the Lanoodles pillow that I am currently sleeping on although of course I have only slept on a tiny percentage of all the pillows that are available in the market and my own preferences may be very different from anyone else’s.


I just called Cozypure and I am convinced that these LaNoodles are fantastic. So I ordered THREE :slight_smile:
I will report back…

Hi buttercupbetty,

Congratulations on your new pillows :slight_smile:

I’m looking forward to your comments and feedback once you’ve received them and have had the chance to try them out.

Did you buy the ones with the adjustable fill or their regular Lanoodles pillows?


I ordered 2 this weekend (one zip and one contour) after lurking here awhile. I’m so excited for them to arrive (along with my new mattress from Arizona Premium).

Hi ComfortSeeker72,

Congratulations on your new mattress and pillows as well :slight_smile:


I followed their recommendation of the standard size regular fill. I think I spoke with Susan…she told me these are the most popular. She said that the cover is AMAZING. I have been using a memory foam contour pillow for about 12 years, so this might be an adjustment!

Hi buttercupbetty,

That’s the one that I have as well. When I got them they didn’t have the adjustable fill versions.


We received our pillows today, and I cannot wait to use them tonight.
I’m super impressed by the quality, and they seemed great when I tried them out. Tough to hold under your chin to get them into cases since they are so springy!
I absolutely cannot wait for my new mattress to arrive (fingers crossed it ships next week). I ordered the mattress and pillows without ever having tried latex, but the pillow is exactly how I imagined.

Hi ComfortSeeker72,

Thanks for the update … and it’s great to hear that your initial impressions of your pillows are so good.

One order down … and one to go :slight_smile:


Here is my delayed review of the LaNoodle pillows.

We LOVE them! It took awhile to get rid of the latex smell (which I don’t care for). My husband says that they smell like cake…

But they are so comfy and supportive. Highly recommend!

Hi buttercupbetty.

I’m glad you’re enjoying your new LaNoodle pillow! Thanks for the update.
