Sleep EZ Too firm.

Hey there again Mister Phoenix. :slight_smile: So we purchased an all
Natural Talalay latex mattress from Sleep EZ and received it on April 10. I still plan on posting a review once we solidify our decision. I’m sure they can help me figure out my conundrum but was curious if you had some input as well. We have the 9000, 2 inches of 19 over 3 of 28 over 3 of 32. And it would appear to be a very soft bed but were finding it just too firm.
I’m 5’5 135 lbs and hubs is 5’9 160 lbs. I’ve had lower back pain since having a baby and can’t lean back when standing without it hurting. (seeing a chiro but don’t know If it can be fixed before 90 day trial period to give it a fair go) I get that same painful sensation when lying in bed. Like my hips are being pushed up rather than sinking down enough. It also feels like my hips hit pressure points on my side so i tend to flip on my back mid-sleep then wake up with the lower back pain. So I’ve slept on the topper folded over on itself…4 inches of 19 and I was actually able to sleep on my back pretty pain free.
So were trying to figure out next best option. We could trade in the 28 layer for something softer but then that would be 5 inches of soft. Which just seems crazy. I anticipate the latex eventually softening up (though it hasn’t really yet) and becoming overly soft. We could pay extra for a 3 inch topper rather than the 2 inches of 19. But wonder if that would be soft enough since I really liked the 4 inches when I slept on it. I slept on it out of the wool cover so that for sure affected things. The wool/cotton cover does seem to add more firmness than expected compared to the thin covers we tested in stores.

I know this is a hard thing to give suggestions on, but you are the all wise one, and just thought i’d ask if you had any suggestions! I for sure plan on calling sleep ez too. Thanks for any help!

Hi Rachierad,

I would start with post #2 here first which may be helpful.

Based on your comments it appears that you spend at least some time on your side which may indicate than a thicker top layer may be helpful. You could also add a topper in the range of an inch or two to your mattress to increase the thickness of your comfort layer as well but I would wait until you have had your mattress for at least 2 weeks (and preferably 30 days or so if possible) before making any changes so that the mattress has gone through its initial break in period and you have gone through your initial adjustment period as well and then use your experience at that time to either choose either a thicker comfort layer or add a topper if either is necessary.

3" of soft latex would be less risky for alignment than 4".


Thanks for the reply! We’ve had it for 40 days today so I guess I should maybe adjust something. I thought about switching the 32 ild for 19 then putting the 2 inch topper on the bottom, the 28 in middle and new 3 inches of 19 on top. That way I could avoid buying MORE latex. Eeek. We’ll let the forum know what results!

Hi Rachierad,

It may be worth reading a few posts including the first part of post #2 here as well as post #2 here and post #6 here to give you some insights into the effect of different changes.

It’s very important to make sure you have identified the most likely reasons for any “symptoms” you are experiencing before you make any changes so that you don’t make one symptom better and another one worse.

Because your transition (middle) and deep support layers are softer than the norm … there is a possibility that your symptoms have different causes. Your back issues could be coming from the softness of the deeper layers which may be allowing your pelvic girdle to sink in too far (in spite of what it feels like to you) which would tilt the pelvis and could put the spine out of its neutral alignment. It would also allow you to sink in deeper which means that your lumbar curve would also have firmer contact with the mattress and could be creating a feeling of “pushing back” there more than you are used to. In addition to this … when you are sleeping on your side on a mattress that is too soft for your body type then you could also be overextending the hip joint which could cause symptoms there that weren’t actually pressure issues but joint alignment issues.

I would check your alignment very carefully on the mattress before making any exchanges and I would also make sure that you talked with them as well about the changes you are proposing which would make the support layers even softer than they are already are which could be “risky”.

It may also be worth re-arranging some layers for a few nights to see if any differences in your experience help point to the most likely causes of your “symptoms”.

The possibilities here would include using the 28 on the bottom and the 32 in the middle which would firm up the support under the comfort layers slightly (and slightly firm up the comfort layers as well) or putting the 2" layer on the bottom (temporarily) and the 32 in the middle and the 28 on top which would also firm up the comfort layers but would “allow” your hips/pelvis to sink down even less as well. Any changes in your symptoms these combinations produced (regardless of whether they solved them or not its how the “symptoms” change that is important) could provide some helpful insights.


Hi Rachierad,

If you were pain free on the 4" 19 with no cover,  maybe you could try sleeping with the cover on but leave it unzipped.  This could approximate what a 3" 19 would feel like with the cover zipped.  Make the bed as usual, just unzipped.

This might help you decide if 3" is enough.

Good Luck,


Hi brotherloo,

If you meant that 4" of 19 ILD (doubled over) with the cover unzipped would equal 3" of 19 ILD with a zipped cover I don’t think they would be equivalent.

If you meant (which is more likely) that using the 2" unzipped (not doubled over) then it would be a closer comparison (the unzipped cover would increase the compression of the latex slightly) although it still wouldn’t be the same IMO. It would be closer to 2" of a lower ILD because the unzipped cover wouldn’t reflect the greater travel distance through the thicker layer.

Having said that … it’s certainly a good suggestion as a way to test a softer top layer.

I’m not yet convinced that surface softness/thickness is the real cause of all the “symptoms”.


Hi Phoenix,

Your second assumption is correct.  Leaving the 2" 19 unzipped would let the point elasticity of the latex become more apparent and feel softer.  At least that is what I meant.  

My guess was if Rachierad felt that the unzipped cover felt closer to the 4" 19 layer uncovered, it might give them an idea of which way to go.

Personally, from my playing around with layering, I think an inch of the same ILD is less of a change than a full step ILD change in the whole layer. But you’re right, the unzipped cover could feel more like a 2" layer of a softer ILD.
