Sleepez 13000 adjustments


Sorry to stick my nose in here but have you looked or tried other types of natural toppers that might add some softness for your husband? Things like feathers/down, shredded latex, and wool for a topper or pad? When I was looking for a soft top layer here are some of the natural options I looked at:

Feather/down toppers from Walmart
Organic Wool from Holy Lamb Organics
Shredded talalay topper from Flobeds
Seven Comforts latex topper-I purchased this topper and my husband is happy about how it’s soft on his shoulders when he sleeps on his side.

I don’t know if this information will assist you since it looks like you are talking about inserting the layer into the zippered mattress itself, but it might offer you some more options to think about. Good luck in finding your soft spot :slight_smile:

ETA: Forgot to add cotton as an option.

Tried the f, m, MF last night. UGH. Not good. Both hubby and I did not sleep well and woke up with back pain. Hubby wants his 4 layers back. I think I may want to try the GL later. Do you think it would be ok to put it over the F, M, S we now have or would the 6" of soft latex be too much again? If I wait a while before trying the GL, I won’t be able to exchange a layer anymore. But if the GL acts like a MF, then it should be ok over the soft talalay?

Coventry: thanks for those suggestions. I did consider other options, but generally, I don’t really like the feel of a very soft cushy mattress that you get from wool or cotton or feathers. THat’s why I like the latex. Movement isolation and good support. I surprisingly even like the MF. I definitely can’t feel my husband moving and it doesn’t feel super soft.

Hi paaschjc,

I think the biggest “clue” as to whether it would be OK would be your experience with the Aerus topper over a little longer time. Don’t forget that your own personal experience is always more accurate than “theory”. If the memory foam works well … then it “points to” better odds of the GL working well too. The difference in thickness is only 1/2" and it is also slow recovery.

Did you ask Shawn about being able to wait till the GL comes in?


[quote=“Phoenix” post=5112]

Did you ask Shawn about being able to wait till the GL comes in?


No I didn’t because I’ve been emailing with Jeremy and he told me that they would not be carrying it. I guess I will need to get in touch with Shawn.