Having read every one of the tens of thousands of words on this website, I wonder if you may be able to direct me to a brick-and-mortar location near 55912. I’m ready for some good sleep. THANKS.
Hi Kathryn,
That’s a lot of reading
The better options I’m aware of that are within reasonable driving distance are included in post #2 here. There were two lists centered around Mankato, MN so I combined them into one and based on a search around Austin, MN there are no others that I would add with the possible exception of http://mankatomattressman.com/ who hasn’t called me back yet to let me know what they have on their floor and how much information they are willing or able to disclose about the materials in their mattresses.
NOTE: He called me back and I have added them to the Mankato list and you can see my comments there
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I visited “Rest Assured” in Rochester, MN, today and was blown away by their knowledgeability and helpfulness. It was the most satisfying shopping experience I’ve had in years. As we discussed pros and cons of each various component, and I reclined on more padded surfaces than I can name, it began to be apparent that what I was looking for was slightly different from what they had in the showroom. Without hesitation the salesman offered to walk to the back room and make an on-the-spot mock-up of the layers I was hoping to try. This custom-designed final product felt WONDERFUL to me and they will assemble it tomorrow and I’ll have it very soon. My concern was that with a made-to-order mattress I’d have problems if I got it home and couldn’t sleep well on it, but Chuck and Brendan assured me that they would fix it if that were the case, without any hesitation. This is legendary customer service. I’m tremendously pleased with my experience with a small local shop that does all its own construction on-site. I appreciate your having directed me to them. I’ll check back in with an update in the future.
Hi kathryn,
I’m thrilled that you were able to visit them and I only wish that everyone that was shopping for a new mattress knew that local and smaller independent manufacturers provide this level of quality, value, and service. Unfortunately the large majority of consumers don’t even know they exist all across the country.
Thanks for your feedback … and I’m looking forward to your feedback when you receive the mattress and have had the chance to sleep on it.
That’s one more for the “good guys” … and congratulations on your new mattress