So much information

What an informative site! I stumbled across you doing research on latex mattresses. A matt. sales rep told me that latex was good for bad backs (me and my husband) and for numb arms (husband). I’ve never even heard of latex mattresses before, shows how informed I was. He sparked my curiosity by saying you need at least 4" of latex to really help. Is this true? I would love to try an all latex or perhaps a latex/coil combo-not really sure. Virtually every question I had (and many I didn’t know I had!) have been answered on your mattress forum. I even know I’ll be going make the 45 min. drive to Beloit soon to check out mattresses there and talk to them. Love to buy locally. Thank you for your awesome forum.

Hi gertruder,

Thanks for the kind words :slight_smile:

As you probably know from reading the site, I think very highly of Beloit (which is why they are one of our members) and the trip there would be well worthwhile. If you do purchase a mattress there … make sure to let them know you are a forum member here so you can receive your 5% discount.

I hope you have a chance to give us your feedback after your trip.
