Some of joeyTOB's posts ... and some forum trolling

I know you are going to give some big long response and I will go ahead and tell you in advance I think your response is dead off, but here is a struggle I have you are basically supporting someone go in and use a retailler of time without intent to buy from them. That my friend is the place you and I differ on things. If this guys buys online then he needs to get the credit card out buy it and take his chance and NOT use a retailler. Done with the response not going to reply when you write your book about the “value equation” … but I personally struggle how anyone in good conscience could use or suggest or support using someone in an instance like this.

Maybe, just maybe, someone will go to a local shop with the intent to merely test but then find something they truly like and reconsider the online purchase. If they don’t go at all, that will definitely NOT happen.

State your position and leave the rudeness out of it. This is “trolling.”

Hi Joey TOB,

I think you are just repeating the same thing you have said before including in post #2 here (my long reply is in post #4 here) and in post #5 here (my long reply is in post #6 here) and in post #11 here (to which Coventry replies in post #12 here) so there’s little point in writing a long reply once again.

You also say in post #18 here

And in post #7 here you say …

You also said in post #5 here …

So in the interests of transparency and so your customers can know how you feel if they have any intentions of buying online, just testing mattresses, or shopping on price alone … and since it seems that you don’t even want a shot at the business of “people like this” … a good solution may be to post your thoughts on a sign in your store that says something along the lines of …

That way the “offending” (or offended) customers could just walk out.


I love the trolling comment made here, it seems to be the default for stating an opposing opinion, something new please.