Stored on its side - damaged?

Hi! A brand-new natural hybrid tufted king-size mattress was stored on its side (slight incline) for three weeks. What are the chances it was damaged? It feels slightly uneven, but that may be the tufted surface/my imagination. Thank you.

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Hi lullaby and new MUGster welcome to the MattressUnderGround!

Storage of a mattress is a tricky thing, here are some tips.

Storing a mattress on its side can potentially cause damage over time, especially if it’s done improperly. While some mattresses are designed to be stored vertically, others may not handle it well. Here are some considerations:

  1. Memory Foam Mattresses: Memory foam mattresses are more sensitive to compression and bending. Storing them on their side for an extended period may lead to misshaping and reduced performance.
  2. Innerspring Mattresses: Innerspring mattresses usually have a structure that includes coils. Storing them on their side might cause the coils to shift, affecting the mattress’s support and comfort.
  3. Latex Mattresses: Latex mattresses are more resilient and may tolerate being stored on their side better than memory foam mattresses. However, it’s still advisable to store them flat if possible.

If you need to store your mattress vertically, follow these guidelines to minimize potential damage:

  • Use a mattress bag or cover: Protect your mattress from dust, dirt, and potential damage by covering it with a mattress bag or a plastic cover.
  • Avoid bending or folding: If the mattress has specific instructions against bending or folding, it’s best to follow those guidelines. Bending or folding can damage the internal components.
  • Choose a dry and cool storage area: Moisture and extreme temperatures can damage a mattress over time. Store it in a dry, cool place to prevent mold and other issues.
  • Secure it properly: Make sure the mattress is secured in an upright position to prevent it from falling over or leaning, which can lead to distortion.

Always check the manufacturer’s guidelines for your specific mattress model. If possible, storing the mattress flat is generally the safest option to ensure it retains its original shape and support.

Having said all that, if your mattress is tufted all the way through and not just simulated tufting, it is intended to hold that mattress together and prevent the layers from shifting. Simple shifting is not the only issue. Manufacturer’s, when tufting a mattress do so they do not need to glue the layers together. It can leave a bit of room for the layers to “bunch up” or crinkle a little bit.

Returning the mattress to it’s correct flat position should all any bunching to flatten back to the correct position, but there is still potential for springs to have shifted. Gravity is what it is, therefore it is possible things can shift out of place. Lying it flat, assuming a tight mattress cover is on the mattress will hopefully have kept things in their rightful position within the mattress.

Let it settle a couple of days and see how things feel. My guess is you should be fine.

Best of luck,


Thank you very much! Is there any way to test this, for conclusive peace of mind? It doesn’t seem like foam has shifted, but I’m concerned about damage to coils/springs.

What I did on a previous mattress as detecting whether the layers in your mattress have shifted may require a bit of investigation. Here are some steps that I just randomly did.

Visual Inspection
Remove Bedding: Strip off all bedding, including sheets and mattress protectors.
Look for Irregularities: Examine the mattress surface for any visible irregularities or bumps.
Check for Sagging: Look for areas where the mattress appears to sag or bulge.

Physical Inspection:
Press Down: Press down on different areas of the mattress to feel for any inconsistencies or changes in firmness.
Run Your Hands Over the Surface: Run your hands over the surface of the mattress to detect any unevenness or shifts in the layers.

Rotate and Flip the Mattress:
If your mattress is designed to be rotated or flipped, do so according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This can help redistribute the layers and minimize any potential shifting.

Use a Straight Edge:
Place a straight edge, such as a ruler or a long level, across the surface of the mattress. This can help you identify any noticeable changes in height or level.

Evaluate Comfort and Support:
Pay attention to how the mattress feels when you lie on it. If you notice a change in comfort or support, it could be an indication that the layers have shifted.

If you notice Shifting:
It may be difficult to place the layers precisely in the right spot. You can massage the layers back into place. See if you can feel the layer that is a bit off and grab it if you can and shake it back into place, like using that “exercise rope” move. It is difficult, considering the who mattress is encased, but you can get it close enough to make it comfortable if there is a shifted layer/s.
