Switching transition and base layers

If one has three layers of latex, what would be the downside of switching the middle layer with the bottom layer? So imagine you have 3 inches each of latex, the top layer is medium, and you make the middle layer firm and the bottom layer medium? And if I like this, would it feel the same as two layers of firm?

Hello Psychmedic

Thank you for reaching out!

It seems you’re inquiring about the difference in feel between a configuration of Medium over Firm over Medium (M/F/M) and a configuration of Medium over two Firm layers (M/F/F). Indeed, there is a difference. The M/F/M configuration will not feel as supportive overall as the M/F/F configuration.
Rearranging the layers offers you the flexibility to make “moderate” adjustments in firmness or softness. For instance, if you’re currently on a soft/medium/firm configuration and find it too soft, you can rearrange the layers to soft/firm/medium for a “moderate” increase in firmness. However, if you were to switch to a medium/medium/firm or soft/firm/firm arrangement, for instance, that would result in a “significant” increase in firmness. If you don’t require a substantial change in firmness, then rearranging the layers should suffice.

Additionally, please note that rearranging the layers won’t necessarily cause the medium layer to deteriorate sooner just because it’s moved to the bottom of the mattress. Typically, it’s the top layer that experiences the most wear and tear from your body weight since you’re directly lying on it. Therefore, by placing a softer layer beneath a firmer one, you’re likely extending the longevity of that layer compared to if it remained at the top or middle of the mattress. So, rest assured, there should be no concerns regarding the mattress’s durability when rearranging the layers. Just thought you should know!

Thanks again!