Thank You for a Great Forum!

Dear Phoenix,

After “lurking” on the forum for a while, I wanted to take the time to thank you for helping so many people!

A few weeks ago, I knew absolutely nothing about latex mattresses. Today, I am about to purchase one based largely on the vast amount of information found on this website. Although time will tell if the mattress works out, I want to give credit where credit is 100% due. I never heard of some these manufacturers prior to coming here. I hope these outfits realize the value of your service, as my research will actually translate into a sale.

I must admit that at first, I found the articles a bit too voluminous. The words seem to keep going and going like a never-ending book. Perhaps that’s due to the layout and format of the pages (or just my very short attention span :). However, with a little patience, I embarked on my learning experience. Specifications, definitions, details, manufacturers, etc., it’s all there.

I also want to thank the other posters for sharing their experience on the forum. Your thoughts, frustrations, tips and successes have all contributed to my education. I urge the other “undercovers” who have benefited from this service to also relay their experience or appreciation to the forum. I suspect that Phoenix puts in many hours researching options, talking to manufactures and providing lengthy and detailed responses to questions.

So Phoenix, again a big thank you for your generosity.
Mattress Quest

I second that Mattress Quest— A very big thank you to Phoenix for all of your time, patience, and guidance!

Thank you both for your kind comments :slight_smile:

While I certainly enjoy what I am doing … I really appreciate comments like yours and it’s a lot more fun to spend the hours with a smile on my face knowing that it makes a difference.

I also have a lot of plans that I hope to gradually implement over the next year which should make the site easier to use and highlight some of the more basic information or more common questions without having to search for them.


Hi Phoenix,

Aside from retail user reviews, this is the ONLY site that has taught me anything that I feel is concrete. I never fully understood how nefarious and misleading things are in the world of mattresses. My girlfriend and I have been looking into buying a mattress and went from thinking that our choices were limited to the big “name brands” and now realize that there is a whole world out there. You are truly a standout amongst the masses. Thank you for your time!


I can only echo the comments above, without this site and your help I am 100% certain that I would have made a costly mistake and purchased a mattress based upon how it felt in the store and that it was a brand that I had heard of. I would have equated price + Brand + Feel + what I now know to be marketing speak = better mattress. What a mistake that would have been, at least in the longer term!

Over the past couple of weeks my eyes were opened and as I got to the end of my journey I felt I was able to spot a mattress that was over-priced to the point of not even feeling the need to visit one of the local mattress stores based on their online breakdown of the materials.

Now I am confident that I have purchased a quality product at a reasonable price that will be built to last, that will offer me many years of comfort and support. That was my goal before I found the site, but my decision making would have been different. At the end of the day that is the difference that your advice and the many articles that you wrote have helped (and that is massive understatement!) in my decision.

I will add that as an IT professional who lives in the details all day long, I absolutely loved all of the depth that you offered in the deep dive into each of the topics that were covered in the overviews, and I ended up reading them all before I went out seriously looking at the mattresses, and re-read many before I made a final decision!

Once I made it to the forums I was truly amazed at the amount of time and effort that you have taken with each and every topic that an individual posted. Then I posted my own topic and you offered that level of detail and time and effort in helping me in my local area.

I truly appreciate all that you have done to help me (and the countless others) make an informed decision on something that I spend 1/3 of my life on.

I am a newbie here, but I also echo the remarks and thank you for all your help.


Hi Dave, Razoruk, and Monte,

All I can say is Thank You! Your posts made my day :slight_smile:
