Thank you Mr. Phoenix

Dear Phoenix

Thanks for the help I have received from you. in past contacts. The info provided at your site must approach PhD level research, if it does not exceed such.

I especially want to thank you for your list of sources ( and tutorials of course). In particular, I was very glad to find DIY Natual Bedding. (At one time I mentioned I had bought a Tempurpedic cover, which works, but is synthetic) . DIY NB makes 2 kinds of covers for your foam. I bought the double knit zip over, which works extremely well. The owner graciously sent a sample so I could check the thickness and stretch. Works perfectly !! In fact, better than expected… The cover I bought was king size, and the measurements were true to size. Unfortunately for me, I had previously trimmed some of the foam layers to fit a slightly smaller cover. I realized that this new case might then be a tad loose, due to my incorrectly sized foam,. However It still worked and looked well , Then, I got the bright idea that the case might tolerate an extra layer, Sure enough, the fabric stretch allowed for the extra and it is now REALLY perfect, Not too tight, and the case really gives with the foam. Because it is cotton, it is not hot.

The DIY site also has a kit to sew your own casing., and a few other neat ideas. The best part is that there is a single price per bed size, regardless of how deep a case you buy. I encourage everyone to check it out even if you don’t think you need anything today. They also do crib mattress cases.

So, thank you. Do I see a ‘Phoenix Brand’ mattress in the future? (If you do, should probably go with just the bird logo , and not the ashes. ) Take care

Hi Princess and Pea,

Thanks for the kind words and your feedback about your cover … I appreciate both of them :slight_smile:

It’s great to see that you cover is working so well for you and as you know I think highly of Deborah and Diynaturalbedding and the knowledge, experience, and service she provides to her customers (and her contributions to the forum here as well).

I suppose anything is possible but it’s not something that I’m considering in the near term (there are still years of work involved in some of the the ideas and features I have planned for the ongoing development of this site and to extend its reach in the industry).

Having said that … I certainly do have some ideas that I may develop at some point in the future but for the moment I end up sharing most of them in my ongoing conversations with some of the manufacturers that I know.

I think your idea about leaving out the ashes in any future “Phoenix” logo makes a lot of sense :slight_smile:


I waited over 2 years and have not yet found a “Phoenix” mattress, with or without ashes.
So. Have been looking to replace a mattress and would like your ideas about 2 models/ brands.
(I have a DIY I built that I will keep.) I am considering the Loom and Leaf or perhaps Cool Bliss by Plush Beds. Both use memory / latex on a base. Both seem to offer support and pressure relief. What say you (if it is OK to ask about brands here) . Seem to have good reviews. Please feel free to suggest a similar bed that you find credible.


Actually, never mind about Plush Beds. I read comments on site. But I finally found honest reviews on web–very bad experiences they all described. Customer service was quite bad. ( I searched “Cool Bliss reviews complaints”.)