The Serta iComfort mattress ... what's the buzz

Hi hanabonetana,

Yes this is normal. All memory foam and polyfoam will go through some initial softening in the first 90 days or so and mostly in the first 30 days. There will usually be an adjustment period as well where your body will take some time to get used to a new sleeping surface that is different from what it was accustomed to which will happen at the same time.

Yes … memory foam and polyfoam will go through an initial softening period where the foam softens much more quickly. This is followed by a much more gradual softening over a longer time and then the final stages are when the foam starts to actually break down. The quality/density of a foam is the single biggest factor in durability yes but there are also many others as well.

It’s funny sometimes how the same questions sometimes happen in bunches on the forum. This thread from earlier tonight and the posts it leads to has lots more information about the durability of a mattress and all the different factors involved in how long they might last for different people and in different circumstances.

Some of the better options I’m aware of in the San Jose area are listed in post #2 here.
