Toronto: Foam (probably latex?) - short list

Hi Andy98,

If you aren’t sure if you slept on latex in the hotel then it would probably be a good idea to test some latex mattresses in the store just to make sure you really do like the way latex feels and performs.

If your wife’s allergy or sensitivity is triggered by contact (which is almost always the case) then it shouldn’t be an issue. There is more about latex allergies in post #2 here.

If you define quality as durability relative to other types of foam materials then I would agree with this.

While all the layers and components of a mattress will have some effect on all the other layers and components in the mattress both above and below them … I would agree that in most cases the upper layers will have the most noticeable effect.

I would agree with this.

I’m not so sure I would agree with this and it would depend on how you defined better. While a two sided mattress that can be flipped will generally last longer than an equivalent one sided mattress that uses the same materials and components … there are also design limitations with two sided mattresses that don’t effect one sided mattresses. There is more about the pros and cons of two sided “flippable” mattresses in post #3 here and the posts it links to.

If two different mattresses are both likely to last for 10 years or more then durability may be a moot point anyway because after 10 years the biggest reason for replacing a mattress may be the changing needs and preferences of the person themselves and not the mattress (see the end of post #4 here).

[quote]So this brings me to my short list:

Ikea Morgongava: Approx 7" of all latex in several layers, plus some cotton etc.. to reach almost 8". Flippable. Approx $1k. 45 day returns, 90 day exchange. Consumer Reports recommends it, and it passed their 8-year-simulated-wear test showing "minor changes in performance' - I have a hard time seeing why this isn't a good deal on a technical level at least, no idea if it's comfortable for me personally (that's the next test I guess).
Dormio: Their closest approximation to the Morgongava is the Classic Organic, top to bottom is 2" medium "organic" latex then 6" medium or firm "organic" latex all wrapped in cotton: $1500. I'd probably get talked up to the Euro Organic, which seems to just add a 1" wool wrapper but brings the price up to $1998. Ouch.
Dormio: Dormio again - minus the bells and whistles: Their "Hospitality" line 8" which (top to bottom) is 2" soft + 1" soft + 2" med + 1+ soft - 8" total, flippable, cotton wrap, $1550.
Dreamstar via Tonfurniture (probably): The "Natural Escape" which is 4" talalay "natural" latex then 6" poly (which elsewhere in this forum was stated as 1.9lb or greater - I'd confirm before I bought) for $1150. 12" total, so 2 inches unspecified. Ton Furniture says it uses wool-quilted-polyfoam with bamboo fabric - so that probably takes up the last 2"[/quote]

Assuming that all the specs are correct (and the Natural Escape is the only one that appears to be uncertain) then there would be no lower quality materials or weak links in any of them.

There is more about the most important parts of the “value” of a mattress purchase in post #13 here but the most important factor is always PPP (Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and Personal preferences) and how well you will sleep on a mattress because without this durability, price, or any of the other parts of value would be mostly meaningless.

Thickness by itself is just a side effect of the design and internal layering of a mattress and is only one of many factors and specs that will affect how a mattress feels and performs so using thickness by itself as a guideline isn’t practical or meaningful (see post #2 here). If your testing or personal sleeping experience indicates that a mattress is a good match for you in terms of PPP then it’s “thick enough”.

I doubt that it would make the Ikea latex more durable and it’s quite possible that it could be the other way around but in practical terms I would treat them as “close equivalents” because in practice when you are dealing with two different mattresses that use different types and blends of latex that have different designs and firmness levels then the other factors that can affect durability and the useful life of a mattress may become more important than the type and blend of latex.

For the most part … latex mattresses don’t have or need edge support if the mattress is a suitable firmness for the person although there may be a smaller minority of people that sleep with more of their weight concentrated on the very outside edge of a mattress or who sit on the very edge of the mattress (instead of sitting more towards the middle of the mattress) where it may be a more important preference (see post #3 here). Your testing will tell you more about this relative to any specific mattress along with all the other preferences that you can “feel”.

Price would certainly be part of the “argument” for either one but as you mentioned the ability to fine tune the support or pressure relief of a mattress by exchanging layers or some of the other parts of your personal value equation may also be important factors in the “value” of a mattress purchase.

I would never assume anything and I would always make sure that you know the options that would be available to you after a purchase with any mattress you are considering.

I would also keep in mind that you can always soften up a mattress that is too firm by adding a softer topper but that it’s much more difficult to firm up a mattress that is too soft without removing and replacing either the comfort layers that are too thick/soft or the support core that is too soft.

You can see my comments about the Consumer Reports mattress ratings and recommendations in post #2 here and in this topic. While they may be a good source of information about more “objective” purchases … as you can see I would consider them to be an unreliable source of information or guidance about purchasing a mattress. My thoughts are shared by most of the more knowledgeable people in the industry (see post #5 here for an example).

While the Casper mattress would be a reasonable choice compared to many mainstream mattresses … you can see my comments about Bedinabox in post #2 here. I would be very cautious with any mattress that uses 3 lb memory foam which is a lower quality and less durable material and I would consider this to be a weak link in their mattresses.
