Ultimate Dream comfort level(s)

Anyone with exp. with these? I am ready to pull the trigger but unsure of level 3, 3.5 or 4. So far the firmest mattress (of any style) in Sleepys is just barely firm enough (and that is a Stearns and Foster that is megabucks). We found a latex I like that Chuck says is closest to a 4. Actually firmer than the 4 but the quilted top on the Ultimate makes it a little softer. Is the 3 a firm mattress or as hard as a floor. How about the 3.5? I’d rather go too firm as we can always add a topper to soften it up but nothing can firm it up.

Any info is greatly appreciated. Best to all and happy snoozing.B)

Hi mongoose65,

While I have no direct experience sleeping on the Ultimate Dreams … there are quite a few discussions on the forum about different choices members here have made and why. A forum search on “Ultimate” will bring up lots more information that you may find helpful.

As you probably know … Dreamfoam (Brooklyn Bedding) is also a member of this site which means I believe they are among the best of the best in the country in terms of quality and value. they are also very good at helping their customers make good firmness choices based on body type, sleeping styles, and any other information their customerscan provide to help them make the best possible recommendations.

Hope this helps


I would work with Chuck directly instead of confusing yourself with the experience of other people who’s body types are different than yours. Don’t over analyze.

Thanks man, but overanalyze is my middle name! LOL. I spoke to Chuck and he was incredibly helpful and gave me one retail item to check that would feel close to a 4 but I couldn’t find it in store. If the one I found was indeed it, then the 4 isn’t too firm for me at all and I lean towards a 3. Even Chuck says a 3 is very very firm. Maybe I’m telling myself a 3.5 is the way to go.

Hi mongose65,

I will just add my own re-inforcement to drogs suggestion because it’s great advice. There is nobody on this forum … including me … and no other person’s experience with so many possible differences in body types, sleeping styles, and perceptions … whose advice or experience will be more accurate about their specific mattresses than Chuck’s guidance in combination with your own input IMO.


I over analyzed and think I went too soft, though I’m not sure the 4 ild difference between what I originally thought I wanted and what I ended up getting would have made that big a difference. It might be I need to get used to it though since I am not used to a bed where my shoulders sink in at all. I’m used to sleeping on top of a bed, not sinking in to it.

I think a 3.5 is the same as a 4 minus the plush top. The .5 option sleeps warm. I think I need a topper that will cool it down a bit and perhaps add a bit of firmness. I also wonder if the heat is making the bed softer as I sleep as well.

Thanks Drog. If I may ask, do you recall what level you bought? I am pretty set on the 3 (and am even curious about a 2). None of the firmest mattresses in any style (latex, foam, coil) in the store seemed nearly too firm for us. I am afraid of going too soft as I can always add a topper (we already have a 2" foam topper) to soften it up. Chuck jokingly referred to the 3 as a nice carpeted floor which I think I would like right now. 36ILD sounds good to me. He was clear that the quilt top is what adds the softness especially to the 4. I’m going to go with the 3. In fairness, even Chuck can’t determine people’s levels of firmness so buying online always has that element of a gamble regardless of how good the reviews are.

The 4 is 32 ILD 3" latex w/ quilted top
The 3.5 is 32 ILD latex with tightened quilt top (tighter stitching to add firmness)
The 3 is 36 ILD latex with the tighter stitched top.

The one in the store we liked but was not firm enough was 20 ILD latex but no top so Chuck said the firmness would be closer to his 4 because of the softness the top adds so I am convinced a 4 would be too soft.

So much to overanalyze, how can I resist! lol

I got the 28 ild layer with the .5 option (tighter quilting). You should also know that I am a large guy so your experience may be different than mine. If it stayed at the same firmness when i first lay down on it, I think it would be great (i.e. no pressure points), but it does seem to sink in as I lay on it for a while. I am not sure if getting the 32 ild layer would have made that much of a difference (it is 12% firmer). I am now thinking about getting a wool mattress topper.

I will say I woke up this morning with more energy than I am used to, though i did just start taking Humira last week so i don’t know if it’s the bed or not.

My experience may well be different than yours. Latex does seem to be supportive even when it’s on the plusher side of your preference.

I’d imagine that the Ultimate Dreams 36 ILD option with a topper designed to add a little firmness will be much, much firmer than the 20 ILD bed you tried, but take my advice for what it’s worth (which is what you paid for it…).

Have you considered the Ultimate Dreams zipper Eurotop

You can change out the latex layer if it’s not the right firmness.

Yes, I think it’s a great idea but with my budget the additional $300 is pretty steep.