Ultimate Dreams comfort levels 7 and 8 and 9

Looking for a softer mattress for my 13 y/o son. He is VERY skinny and complains his mattress is too hard. I, too, am looking for a softer mattress and prefer to sink into the mattress, yet have lumbar support. Love the pillowtop mattresses, but hate the poor durability.

Many reviews on amazon.com are for people who ordered very firm mattresses. I am looking for input from customers who have ordered the above comfort levels and their opinion of the firmness.

I have tried 24 and 28 ILD in other mattresses felt they were much too firm. I realize the support/base foam can dramatically change the feel. One Ultimate Dreams reviewer said the base foam was extremely firm and my fear is that the softer ILD will bottom out on the foam while the firmer ILD will not conform to natural spinal curvers.

I went to Land and Sky recently and was told 24 ILD would be much too firm for my height 5’6" and weight 145lbs and shoulder problems. They recommended a 14-19 ILD stacked on gradually firmer latex foams. Sounded good but the cost was around $3500.

I have talked to Chuck but would like to hear from other customers who ordered the softer mattresses.

Is the hybrid latex used in Ultimate Dreams on amazon softer that 100% Talalay latex. Are the ILD/perceived firmness levels different or comparable.

The Ultimate Dreams has only one layer of latex and one shot at choosing the most appropriate level. I have serious analysis paralysis at this point!

Sorry, Phoenix, I know it’s lots of ?'s but your input is much appreciated.

I just wanted to make a quick mention of some things that you might not have considered about the Ultimate Dreams. I ordered it and got a level 4 but wanted to mention that the 1.5 inches of “super soft reflex foam” on top of the latex does give a softer feel than a thinner cover over latex like you might find in a showroom. I’m not sure that the showrooms you visited had this type of configuration or not, but thought you might want to know anyway.

How did you feel on the 24 ILD latex and did you try the difference between the 24 and 14-19 ILD? What ILD did you prefer when you tested it for at least 15 minutes? This information would be helpful in forming your choice and give you some ‘approximations’ of what to expect. I’m not sure I would personally listen to people telling me what I should prefer, but I would listen to what your body was telling you. :slight_smile:

I myself am very close to your height and weight, but sleep a bit differently. I personally don’t feel the support foam at all but I have a 2inch shredded latex topper. Softness or firmness of a mattress is very subjective but ILD can assist you in finding the approximate level that your body likes best. Phoenix can expand much more on the topic of ILD that I can.

Oh, Brooklyn Bedding has a new option now that is a zippered Eurotop that allows you to exchange comfort layers in the mattress. It is a bit more expensive, but it’s a good option if you are unsure of your choice on purchasing since you can easily do a swap out if it doesn’t work. You might want to review any possible costs or charges associated with this option with Chuck.

One last thing I wanted to ask since you mentioned it in the other post, is that you seem to really like a softer more ‘In the mattress’ feeling. Are there reasons you are have a preference of latex or have you considered a high quality memory foam?

Hi Coventry,

I’ve sometimes (OK … a LOT :)) been known to “expand” on many topics but I doubt I could add much to what you posted. Your advice is great IMO.

Especially the part about how we each need to listen to our own body because the same ILD can feel very different for another even when body weights and sleeping positions are similar.

Perhaps the only thing I would add is that it’s much easier to soften up a mattress that is too firm than the other way around and I would always err on the side of firmness.


LOL, as is true with erring on the side of firmer in a mattress, I would say it’s true to also err on the side of more knowledge. :slight_smile: