Ultimate Dreams Eurotop latex mattress-need some advice

Hi Tyson,

Post #7 here should help :slight_smile:

You have a wide range of good choices in the general area.

This would be a personal choice based of course on budget (a latex polyfoam hybrid is a good lower budget option for those who can’t afford an all latex mattress) and on the importance of having a more durable and higher performing and more adaptable material in the support layers of a mattress. If your local testing indicates that the difference between them is something you can feel or you want the increased performance and durability or other qualities of a latex core in addition to the comfort layers … then it would make a good choice.

No matter what your choice or combination of materials … I would choose the highest quality and value version of that particular combination that was available. If you can comfortably afford it and you can feel the difference or want the qualities of latex that you may not be able to “feel” … then I would personally choose it but each person is different both what they can feel and in what is most important to them.
