Ultimate Dreams Eurotop Latex Mattress

I feel like I stumbled upon a gem when I found this site. I just purchased my first home & choosing a mattress has been more stressful than choosing the house!

Based on what I’ve learned here & reading customer reviews, I think I want to go with the Ultimate Dreams Eurotop Latex Mattress on Amazon. It seems like the best value. Here’s my question: I haven’t had a chance to try out any mattresses in a store yet. I know I need to so that I can decide on what firmness to order in the Ultimate Dreams. What sort of things should I look for/pay attention to in terms of comfort when I go try them out? This will be the first mattress I’ve bought myself so I have no idea. I don’t have issues falling/staying asleep, but I have had a pinched nerve in the past & sometimes wake up with some numbness in my arm (I’m a side sleeper) but not as much recently.

Thanks for any advice you can give.

Hi MH2013,

The best suggestion I could provide would be to read post #1 here which has a great deal of informatin, steps, and guidelines that should be helpful … including some guidelines for testing mattresses.

The Ultimate Dreams or other mattresses where you have the ability to exchange a layer or have other options after an online purchase can be a good choice because it allows you to use your local testing to help you make a reasonably close initial choice and your own longer term sleeping experience to make a layer exchange if that becomes necessary based on your actual experience.
