Ultimate Dreams vs. 10 inch total latex mattress

After reading through many threads and FAQs about the advantages of latex, I’m contemplating purchasing the 10 inch total latex mattress from Brooklyn Bedding. This is a huge price point jump from the Ultimate Dreams mattress that’s popularly recommended here, so I’m trying to collect more feedback from people who’ve actually tested or owned the 10 inch latex. Most especially, I’d like to hear from anyone who’s tried both models, and can compare the level of comfort and quality between the two.

Comfort and durability are my two greatest concerns. I’m aware that Brooklyn Bedding works directly with the customer to insure the desired softness is achieved, regardless of the price point of the mattress purchased. I definitely want a softer, pillowtop-like surface, ideally without having to layer on an extra topper. My husband and I are average weight, but we both have painful chronic back issues. I also have fibromyalgia and spend most days in bed, often with a heated mattress pad turned up high to help relieve pain. Any mattress I buy has to be able to withstand exceptionally heavy use and high heat.

Given these issues, I’m torn between buying the least expensive latex mattress option and the most. I’m worried that the extra stress and strain I put on a mattress will cause any model I chose to deteriorate more quickly. I’m also worried about making the wrong decision and taking a big hit, either in terms of money or comfort.

Thanks for any thoughts you have, and for the high quality of information and feedback consistently offered by this forum!

Hi luckyimi,

This may not be the feedback you are looking for since I haven’t tried either mattress but I thought I would share a few thoughts since I doubt that any of the forum members would have tried both either (they would have purchased either one or the other).

In terms of durability … you are choosing the most durable materials available (latex) so this wouldn’t vary from manufacturer to manufacturer that used the same materials. The top layers of the mattress (3" to 6" or so depending on body type and sleeping positions) will have the most effect on its durability

Another durability variable would be the softness of the upper layers because softer materials in any type of material (including latex) are less durable than firmer materials. if the top layer can be exchanged then if it softens or breaks down faster than the deeper layers it can be replaced individually without having to replace the whole mattress.

Choosing firmer materials though strictly for the sake of durability may also conflict with your need for pressure relief because of your fibromyalgia so there is somewhat of a tradeoff involved here. Like durability … you will also find that the top 3" to 6" of a mattress account for most of what you “feel” … at least initially. The deeper the layers in a mattress the less effect they will have on “comfort” although they will still affect support which is more about what you feel in the morning when you wake up.

I would also keep in mind that while the Total latex mattress uses 9" of latex … the bottom layers are not exchangeable or adjustable after your purchase (although there are firmness options you can choose when you make your purchase) and only the top layer can be exchanged. This means that fine tuning is limited to the top layer which for most people would be fine but doesn’t offer the same flexibility for more subtle changes as having the ability to re-arrange or exchange other layers as well.

The Aloe Alexis for example has two layers of latex that can be individually chosen and either one can be exchanged (not just the top layer). Other designs offer the ability to re-arrange or exchange either 3 or even 4 individual layers.

Finally I would also keep in mind that other peoples experience with any mattress are quite likely to be very different from your own and that when you are talking with a manufacturer about making comfort choices you are actually benefiting from the combined experience that comes from hundreds if not thousands of their customers as well as their own much more detailed knowledge of their design and materials rather than just a single person’s experience. Your own personal testing is the most “accurate” way to make comfort choices but if this isn’t possible … either because there are no local mattresses that are similar or because you aren’t able to find out enough of the specific details of local mattresses you have tested to use them as a guideline … the next best way to make comfort choices is always more detailed conversations with a knowledgeable and experienced retailer or manufacturer.
