What about a mattress for those of us who love innerspring?!?

I am quickly learning about your bias towards latex mattress and also smaller manufacturers. I get it…

However, for those of us who fear taking the leap or who can’t afford or find those manufacturers you prefer, which innerspring mattress can you (reluctantly) recommend?

For those of us (mostly the >85%) in the population who rely on shopping at the larger box stores and feel more comfortable with the more well known companies, where should we start?

Hi libratravel,

I’m not so sure you have read enough on the forum that you really do “get it”.

The guidelines I suggest about local manufacturers and better sleep shops applies to every type of mattress whether it is memory foam/polyfoam, latex or latex hybrids (with polyfoam or an innerspring as the support system) or traditional mattresses with innersprings and polyfoam or any other combination of materials… You probably haven’t had the chance to read many of the dozens of links I’ve posted to sources of mattresses like the ones you are mentioning. Higher quality and lower cost is especially available in these types of mattresses from local manufacturers or better sleep shops that carry local or smaller alternative brands.

I would never recommend a major brand mattress (reluctantly or otherwise) for even the lowest cost traditional mattresses. My goal is to help people find value no matter where it is or what materials they may prefer. Even places like WalMart have some better quality mattresses for those who are willing to learn what to look for (see this thread among dozens if not hundreds more on the forum as an example).

So if you let me know the city you live in or your zip … I’d be happy to let you know of any factory direct manufacturers or better outlets I know of that will give you a chance to find what you are looking for with much higher quality and value than anything similar you would find in a major brand. As to the other 85% of the population … I’m waiting for them to find us here so I can give them the same suggestions so they can also find better quality and value “traditional” mattresses or any other mattress type they may prefer.

For those who are for some reason more comfortable buying a mattress from companies whose major product is the profit margin they provide to mass market outlets … then there is little I can do to help. If the idea that a mattress is only as good as it’s materials and construction and that you don’t sleep on the label doesn’t make sense to someone … then they will likely continue to buy lower quality mattresses at higher prices and ignore any suggestions from sources like this until they get tired of buying mattresses that need to be replaced more quickly or don’t perform the way they expected over the long term. My goal is to help educate consumers so that more and more they can understand that the materials in a mattress are what determines it’s quality, performance, and durability and I would never recommend a major manufacturer that doesn’t provide the most basic information that a consumer needs to make meaningful comparisons and good decisions.

If someone “relies” on shopping at the big box stores or at any other mass market outlet that can’t or won’t let their customers know how to tell “better from worse” … then I would suggest “voting” with your wallet and spend your money on the same type of mattress made by a manufacturer who is accountable to their customers and community and sells based on reputation rather than marketing stories. At the very least it would make sense to know which questions to ask and the type of information you need to improve your odds that you are buying better quality for your money rather than just the latest story that comes wth a heavy price tag attached. My goal is to help people find better solutions wherever they exist … not to recommend manufacturers that would only continue make the problems in the industry worse :slight_smile:


libratravel -
why are you asking Phoenix for a recommendation when just last week you claimed to have found your “mattress soul mate” in a Stearns and Foster?
Is your new mattress crapping out already?:ohmy:

I love my mattress and am sleeping better than ever…just trying to educate myself for future purchases and friends who might soon need a new mattress.

LAsleeper: I am allowed to ask an innocent question regarding innerspring mattress recommendations and didn’t seek any unnecessary sarcasm on your part. I am just trying to educate myself for future purchases. Keep your comments to yourself.

lol! thats what happened to my sterns and foster! and a sealy…and two sertas… the big “s” are crap in my opinion! :sick: