Where to start in Sioux Falls, South Dakota?

Hi dbergan,

While comfort and PPP is certainly the most important part of the “value” of a mattress purchase … I would also be very cautious about buying any mattress where you don’t know the type and quality/durability of all the materials and components inside it because how long you sleep well is also a very important part of the “value” of a mattress purchase and there is little value in buying a mattress that softens or breaks down prematurely no matter how it may feel in a showroom or when it is new.

I don’t believe that you are correct here (I’m pretty sure that you’re not) and I would be very cautious about providing information to someone else that you haven’t confirmed is correct. Have you confirmed that your mattress is all latex? Have you looked at the law tag to see which type of materials are listed there?

NOTE ADDED: I have talked with Chad and have confirmed that none of the materials in any of the Beds by Design mattresses are either synthetic or natural latex and they are versions of polyfoam. Some of the materials are high performance polyfoams that are certainly a good quality material and have many of the properties of latex but are less costly than “real” latex (synthetic or natural).

I would keep in mind that the length of a mattress warranty has very little to do with the durability or useful life of a mattress or more importantly how long it may be before you need to replace it. Warranties only cover defects in a mattress and not the gradual (or rapid in the case of lower quality materials) loss of comfort and support that is the main reason people will need to replace their mattress. There is more about mattress warranties in post #174 here.

If you can’t find out the information you need to know about the type, quality, and durability of the materials in a mattress then it’s not transparent at all since a consumer would have no idea what they are “feeling and fondling”.

I would want to know that it was synthetic latex in the first place. Not knowing what is in a mattress doesn’t necessarily mean that they are using “cheap poly knockoffs” it only means that they could be and that you won’t be in a position to make an informed choice or make meaningful comparisons with other mattress. Suggesting that a “lack of necessary information” or that not being able to find out the information you need to know to make an informed choice about the quality and durability of a mattress is somehow OK is just plain bad advice.
