Why do Leesa and Purple put a slab of Polyfoam under their springs? Should I?

I’ve been looking at the ultimate hybrid on www.mattresses.net. To get some additional ideas, I tried looking at what a lot of the new ‘trendy’ online sites are doing with their hybrids. The Leesa Sapira and the Purple 2,3,4 are both hybrids, and have a small layer of polyfoam above and below the springs, and I’ve been trying to understand why that is, and whether I should do it too?
The Purple:

  • Purple Smart Grid topper, either in 2",3" or 4".
  • 1/2-1" of Polyfoam. Transition layer according to their site.
  • 6-8" Spring coil
  • 1/2-1" Polyfoam

Leesa Sapira:

  • 3" Memory Foam + Foam topper. (1.5" Cooling Avena® Foam followed by 1.5" Contouring Memory Foam)
  • 1" Polyfoam
  • 6" Spring Coil
  • 1" Polyfoam

Question: Why do both the Leesa Sapira and the purple have these 1" layer’s of polyfoam?

My Idea: Does the following modification of www.mattresses.net ultimate hybrid make any sense?

Is this a stupid idea? If so, why are Leesa and Purple putting these 1" slabs of polyfoam above and below their spring coils? From all the information provided on www.mattresses.net, it seems to me like I can just put the Latex directly on top of the spring coils, and that inch of polyfoam would be useless. But would a 1 inch slab of high density polyfoam on the bottom help protect the Leggett and Platt springs and make the mattress last longer? Thank you very much for your help!

Good question and one I get asked a lot. The Ultimate Hybrid coils are already double wrapped in fabric and need no extra protection underneath. Why pollute an otherwise eco friendly mattress with the likes of poly foam when it’s totally unnecessary? Our customers are typically looking to eliminate toxins from their environment so for them the use of poly foam would be a real negative. I’m not saying not to do it, just know the ramifications of doing so. If ;you really wanted to go there then a 1 or 2" latex would be a much better way to go.

I don’t think the other companies have the same type of customer that we do which is why they have no problem using the much cheaper polyfoam in their designs who’s function is merely to raise the height of the bed and make you think you are getting more for your money when in actuality it’s just one more thing that can wrong with the design.

Thank you for the quick reply!

Thank you for the insight, this sounds spot on to me. I was looking at the pictures they provide which display all of their layers, and the extra pieces gave the impression that the mattress was “sophisticated” and somehow that more pieces was better. Embarrassingly, this marketing trick worked on me, so I was left wondering why they do that, and whether I should do it too.

I noticed that Avocado mattress, a 2015 internet startup, has basically copied https://www.mattresses.net’s Ultimate Hybrid, but with 1" of Latex on the bottom and 2" on top instead of 3" on top, and they also use Dunlop latex instead of Talalay. (Their plush model has an additional 2" latex sheet on top.) This leads me to two questions:

  1. Why would Avocado mattress choose to deviate from your Ultimate Hybrid design by putting 1/3 of the latex in their standard model on the bottom?
  2. Would there be any benefit to adding a 1" sheet of latex to the bottom of the Ultimate hybrid? In other words, 3" of latex followed by Leggett and Platt coils, and then 1" of latex on the bottom. Does this have any advantages over the other design? (I’m assuming the main disadvantage is the extra cost)

Thank you again for all your help!

You must have 3" over the coils or you will feel the coils if you are over 150 lbs. Makes no sense to me to waste it under the coils. As you said, they started in 2015 and there will be lessons learned. Our Ultimate Hybrid was already on the market in 2014 and at that point we already had 17 years online experience under our belt. If anyone needs 1" of latex under the coils for whatever reason we can certainly add it but again, it’s not necessary.