Why I chose the Tuft & Needle

Hi jim.burton,

Thanks for taking the time to share your detailed comments and feedback … I appreciate it.

[quote]Phoenix tries to avoid recommending specific products, however his bias for Arizona based manufacturers shines brightly. A couple of other sites, like sleepopolis got some of my attention, but they seem to be running more as writing “reviews” as money makers than independent sources of information.

As I mentioned my impression is that “Phoenix” is definitely biased towards the Arizona companies… It’s probable that’s genuine analysis, but the sheer volume of material he personally adds to his site is more than a full time employee would be expected to produce for marketing products. It makes you wonder where the time comes from. He doesn’t come across as a shill, but the pure volume of info is a wonder. I certainly don’t have the time to even read the material let alone publish it. He stays well on the side of credibility and it’s hard not to trust what he says. But this is the story of why I bought the Tuft & Needle.[/quote]

I wanted to comment about your comments here because they are so far off the mark that I suspect that you may not have read much of the published material on this site. If I have a “bias” (which I do) it’s towards smaller independent manufacturers across the country and the sleep shops or retailers that sell them (what some people call “off brands”) that that are transparent about the materials and components they use in their mattresses, use good quality and durable materials based on specific standards and guidelines, provide good service and guidance to their customers, and compete well the the best in the industry. As you mentioned … I also provide guidance about “how” to choose and never “what” to choose.

When I first began the site there were under 10 original members which included two manufacturers from Arizona (SleepEZ and Arizona Premium Mattresses) and all the rest have since been added over the years as I have come to know them and they have come to know me. The invitation to become a member of this site has nothing to do with where a manufacturer is based.

As far as the time I spend on this website … it has averaged about 12 - 16 hours a day for over 4 1/2 years now and I haven’t yet had a single day off (although this should be changing as I continue to make some of the additions to the site that will reduce the time that I will need to spend to more reasonable hours). I guess your comments about the volume of information on the site and the time I spend are somewhat of a “backhanded compliment” so I will take it that way (in spite of your innuendo that I am more than one person or that the volume of information on this site would be impossible for one person which clearly it isn’t). It’s the result of a great deal of time and effort and research and phone conversations and just plain and simple consistent hard work (which is also a labor of love). I am the only one that writes anything under my username or in the main articles and pages on the site.

You can also see some previous more detailed replies to comments or “innuendoes” that are similar to yours in post #64 here and the posts it links to as well that would be well worth reading.

The bottom line is that everything on this site was meant to provide guidance that was independent of the name of a manufacturer or retailer that sells a mattress and based on specific guidelines that are “self evident” and would apply to any mattress purchase in the industry regardless of the manufacturer or their location or whether they are a member of this site. The information here is designed so that there is no need to “trust” anything or anyone or any specific recommendations they may make and as you know I discourage buying any mattress based on reviews or any “recommendations” from others which is why I don’t recommend any specific mattress, manufacturer, or combination of materials or components for any specific person.

While I appreciate and am grateful that the information here has helped you … it’s somewhat disappointing that you have chosen to make some of the comments you are making that certainly don’t appear to understand, recognize, or reflect the time and effort that has gone into providing the information here to the public and that also doesn’t even accurately reflect the information that you yourself were using to choose your mattress.

Perhaps you have just never found something in your life that you felt strongly enough about or were passionate enough about to put the type of time and energy into it that I have put into this site (and other projects that I have been involved in in my past as well) which is perhaps why you may not understand how it is possible.


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