6" Caliber Edge Pocket Coil Vs. 8" Quantum Edge Elite Bolsa for side sleeper?

Hi NookStudio.

Welcome to our Mattress Forum. :slight_smile: Thanks for the kind words! It’s always nice to know the resources here are helping and educating consumers!

Sorry to hear the coils you have are causing you some back pain.

To take a quote from Arizona Premium in a different conversation - For those who are side sleepers having smaller coils and more of them means less pressure points so the Bolsa coils could be a good upgrade for your from your current coils.

In that same convo, he said “On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the firmest I would rate the Combi zone at an 8.5, the caliber at 7.5 and the bolsa is an 8. Me being a side sleeper I like the feel of the Bolsa the best because the lighter gauge coils contour better than the other two.”

I hope that information helps. There’s more info in that thread about the differences between the coils, as well, if you find that useful to you. I think you’d probably be quite happy with the 8" quantum edge coils, though!

I wouldn’t be too put off that not every hole goes all the way through (that kind of thing sometimes happens) unless it’s in a large portion of the holes/section of the mattress. Would you happen to have a photo of the latex layer?


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