a latex mattress in montreal, canada


I thought I’d share my experience shopping around for a king size latex mattress in Montreal based on a few places named in @Phoenix’s post.

Matelas Dauphin: Good service at the location I went to, $2 200 for a 6" Dunlop with ILD 36. Only one firmness available. Also available is a 6" 36 ILD + 2" 19 ILD also in Dunlop, also non customizable for $2 800. I found the first one ok, but the second one too soft.

Matelas Siesta: Good service as well. 2 200$ for a 6" Dunlop with ILD somewhere around 36 (they have their own numbering system and weren’t able to really confirm ILD). Again no option to customize the firmness that much, tried two other options which were way too firm or way to soft for me.

Literie Provinciale: Only called but friendly service over the phone. $2 250 for a 6" 36 ILD + 2" 19 ILD 100% Natural Talalay. Seems inexpensive for an 8" 100% Natural Talalay so I’m a bit skeptical on quality. Haven’T tried it but I’m pretty sure the 19 ILD will be too soft for us.

Matelas Sélection: Most knowledgeable and helpful service. $3 340 for a 100% Natural Talalay with 6" 40 ILD core + 2" 28 ILD topper. It was definitely the most comfortable mattress, but also the most expensive by quite a margin. Their latex is 5.25 lbs density, maybe that explains the higher price?

If Matelas Selection would be under 3k I would definitely get that one as the comfort was great, but I’m wondering if it’s worth the 1k+ premium. With tax the mattress comes close to $4 000!

Does anyone know of another shop that can customize Talalay firmness with more competitive prices? Is the value of Matelas Selection at 4k worth it and I can’t expect to get much lower than that for customizable firmness in 8" Talalay?

Also, it was quite amusing to hear each shop defending how Dunlop or Talalay is THE way to go and the other one was bad based on what they were selling :lol: