Are these Tempur-Pedic comparisons from Select Foam and Brooklyn Bedding legit?

Hi all,

I’m wondering if anyone has bought a TempurPedic-like mattress from either Select Foam or Brooklyn Bedding (or any other place that claims their mattresses feel like certain TempurPedic models), and then tested the TempurPedic again AFTER owning your new mattress for a while?

Meaning, did anyone give their new mattress a month or so, then go back to a TempurPedic showroom just to lie down and see if the mattress really does feel like the one you bought? I know both companies above have a very good reputation according to this site, but they both have a mattress that they say is like the TempurPedic Rhapsody. SF’s is $1600 and BB’s is only $1300. So I imagine they can’t both feel just as good as the real Rhapsody, right?

Or, did anyone here have a very good memory of what the TempurPedic they tried out felt like, and as soon as they were on their new mattress, thought, “Yup, feels exactly like the TempurPedic model they claim to mimic”?

Hi colchao,

You can read more about the different ways that one mattress can “match” another in post #9 here but in a word … yes they are legit and their comparisons would have a similar level of comfort and support to the equivalent Tempurpedics. Their comparisons provide way that you can test a widely available mattress to get a sense of which of their models would be most suitable for your needs and preferences and both of them have a great return policy in case you are one of the exceptions that doesn’t think they are a close approximation.

There will also be a wide range of opinions about which of the different ways that their mattresses “match” because of course there is a large subjective component to how any mattress “feels” and most people have had the experience of testing mattresses early in the day and then coming back later in the day after testing other mattresses only to find that what they tested earlier “feels” very different from what they remember.

Hopefully some of the members that have purchase both will see your post and share their experiences although there are already quite a number of comparisons on the forum that you can bring up with a forum search (the tab on top of the forum not the search window at the top of the page).


[quote=“colchao” post=23351]Hi all,

I’m wondering if anyone has bought a TempurPedic-like mattress from either Select Foam or Brooklyn Bedding (or any other place that claims their mattresses feel like certain TempurPedic models), and then tested the TempurPedic again AFTER owning your new mattress for a while?

Meaning, did anyone give their new mattress a month or so, then go back to a TempurPedic showroom just to lie down and see if the mattress really does feel like the one you bought? I know both companies above have a very good reputation according to this site, but they both have a mattress that they say is like the TempurPedic Rhapsody. SF’s is $1600 and BB’s is only $1300. So I imagine they can’t both feel just as good as the real Rhapsody, right?

Or, did anyone here have a very good memory of what the TempurPedic they tried out felt like, and as soon as they were on their new mattress, thought, “Yup, feels exactly like the TempurPedic model they claim to mimic”?[/quote]


Welcome to the Mattress Forum!s.

Yes, I bought a Select Foam Cirrus Luxe. You can read my ongoing review here.

I recall exactly what the Tempur Pedic Cloud Luxe felt like. I laid on it enough. Check out the review and you can make your own determinations of my experience.



Thanks for your response and that helpful link to that post from another thread. And thanks for a great site–this is by far the most informative mattress site I’ve found online. Just like you predicted, the salesmen in the showrooms just about anywhere seem totally clueless when you start asking detailed questions at the most basic level! The one exception was Dixie Foam, a little independent shop here in New York City, which I found through your list of recommended local dealers. Sure enough, they had a great product and a knowledgeable salesman. I passed on their mattress because even though it felt great, I could feel it getting hot after only about 5 minutes. And the salesman was honest enough to tell me, even before I mentioned the heat, “It’s a great mattress, though some people do say it sleeps hot.” So for anyone in the NYC area who’s still shopping, Dixie Foam has a few great mattresses. Check them out.

Justso, thanks for your ongoing, detailed update on your SF mattress. For me, the Cirrus Supreme is probably my top contender, and I’ll be checking your future updates. Glad to hear you’re not having heat problems, as that’s probably my biggest worry at this point. Sounds like your mattress is going to work out fine!