Best waterproof mattress cover to prevent water-cooling topper from ruining mattress with possible leakage


Thank you in advance for your recommendations—I have been doing a lot of digging around the web and this seems like the place where I can get the best personalized advice.

I recently purchased an eightsleep pod 3 cover, which fits over my mattress like a fitted sheet and circulates water to regulate my temperature. I’ve read some horror stories about the cover leaking water and ruining the mattress underneath, however, so I am looking for a safeguard.

From what I read, I plan on purchasing some highly absorbent incontinence pads to place directly underneath the pod cover and above a backup waterproof mattress cover, which will go directly on the mattress. That is, between the mattress and the pod cover there will be absorbent incontinence pads in addition to a waterproof mattress cover. As an additional point of information, I will be placing a thin mattress topper I got from Amazon on top of all of this to protect the pod cover itself.

Since I am not concerned about temperature or breathability given that the eightsleep pod cover is going to be regulating temperature, I am looking for advice on which waterproof mattress cover (that goes under the water-cooling pod cover) to purchase. I read some other threads that suggested looking for five sided covers but I keep running into either a few poor reviews or lack of reviews in general. Please advise!

Thank you again.

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Hi Moketyson,

Why not just get a 360 degree waterproof mattress encasement like this Waterproof Encasement or something like this one Malouf 360 Waterproof

Not sure if this is what you are looking for.


Like Norm, my mind went directly to the kinds of encasements he linked to.

I have a toddler and the mattress protector that has worked for me and that I find quite comfortable is this one. It has tolerated stomach flus, accidents, juice spills, water spills.

Of course, it’s not 360 so there is that.


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