Hey Phoenix,
I just bought me a bed and it was the best one there at a non expensive price. I want to know if it was a good buy I have until wensday to change my mind. Feel free to check out the website and my location its area code 12601 at bobs furniture you might of heard of it please tell me you have heard of it and the bed I got was a bob o pedic it has eight layers and has a his and her side please give me a review please please thanks ahead of time (before the 22nd of this month) pleaseee and thank you
Hi ecicC,
It would be helpful if you could provide a link to the specific mattress you purchased.
If it was a memory foam mattress then you can see the criteria I use for memory foam mattresses in post #10 here.
To evaluate any mattress you would need to know the type and quality of the materials in all the layers. Without this there is no way to know the quality or value of what you purchased or make any meaningful comparisons with other mattresses. As you can see in post #4 here … the people I talked to to try to find some information weren’t helpful or knowledgeable at all so hopefully you will have better luck getting any information you need from them than I did.
There aren’t a lot of great options in or around Poughkeepsie but the better possibilities I’m aware of are listed in post #4 here.
This is the one it has 7 layers is that a cake bed I read it some where on the fourms. It also is gel infused I read also that might not be good.
I’m just looking for a mattress that is got the memory foam feal that will last and has good support
If I call and ask for info on the bed what should I expect?
Great job your doing by the way I’m surprised this is exciting
So I read the thread you posted a while back about bobs furniture and I guess it was a mistake I don’t want a defective mattress down the line even though they say it has a 20 year warranty if it sinks by half a inch or more. I think I just need a mattress that has 5 lbs per square inch that is a good memory foam with a good warranty. Any suggestions I paid 1700 so something along thoughs lines would be taken.
Hi ericC,
I think that there are two issues here that are both connected. The first of course is having a way to know whether the materials in the mattress have the quality, durability, “safety” and value that justifies the cost.
The second is that if you are spending that much money on a mattress … I would want to deal with people who had some knowledge of mattresses and the materials that go into it and could also be able to give you good guidance about making the best choice for you. The mattress you sleep on can have a greater effect on your overall well being than almost anything else you will buy over the next decade or more and it makes sense to me to make sure you are dealing with people who are more interested in “matching you to a mattress” than they are in just making the sale. I believe that who you buy from can be just as important as what you buy.
I think that warranties can be deceptive because most memory foams don’t develop impressions as easily as they become softer in the areas under the heavier parts of your body. This softening of material leads to the loss of comfort and support which is not covered by warranty unless it also has an impression with no weight on the mattress which is much less common. You can read more about mattress warranties here. I would always put more emphasis on knowing the materials in a mattress along with your own testing than on a warranty.
The link I mentioned in my last post includes the better possibilities I’m aware of in your area and post #12 here has a list of some of the better online memory foam retailers and manufacturers I know of which have good quality/value and can also act as a “value reference” for a local purchase.