Charles P. Rogers

Hi TV,

While Marshall makes some good quality mattresses … I’m not so sure they would be a good reference or point of comparison for the “value” of a mattress purchase and you certainly have many other options available to you besides Marshall.

There is also more information in post #2 here and the more detailed posts and information it links to about safe, natural, organic, “chemical free”, and “green” mattresses and mattress materials that can help you sort through some of the marketing information and terminology that you will encounter in the industry and can help you differentiate between them and answer “how safe is safe enough for me” so you can decide on the types of materials you are most comfortable having in your mattress. These types of issues are complex and are generally specific to each person and their individual sensitivities, circumstances, criteria, beliefs, and lifestyle choices.

While I do recommend the members here “as a group”, I don’t make specific suggestions or recommendations for either a mattress, manufacturers/retailers, or materials because only you can feel what you feel on a mattress or decide on the types of mattresses and materials that you are most interested in trying or that you tend to prefer and there are too many unknowns, variables, and personal preferences involved for anyone to know which specific mattress design or combination of materials would be best for you based on specs (either yours or a mattress) or theory at a distance (see mattress firmness/comfort levels in post #2 here). What is “best” for you either in terms of a mattress or a manufacturer/retailer can be very different from what would be “best” for someone else.

I can certainly help you narrow down your options by helping you know how and why to avoid the worst ones and with “how” to choose or act as a fact check or answer specific questions you may have along the way but not with which specific mattress, company, or manufacturer to choose.

The most effective approach would be to follow all the steps in the mattress shopping tutorial which has all the basic information, steps, and guidelines that you will need to make the best possible choice … and know how and why to avoid the worst ones … and if you follow the steps one at a time you will have the best chance of success.

The reason that the members here have been invited to become members is because I have come to know them well enough to believe that they share the goals, values of this site and they are among the retailers and manufacturers that compete well with the best in the industry in terms of their quality, value, service, and transparency. Of course there are many other retailers/manufacturers that would also be well worth considering that aren’t members of the site (at least yet). There is more about how I choose the members here in post #2 here and in post #5 here and the site has grown from its original membership list of about half a dozen retailers/manufacturers when it began to currently over 40 members and of course the membership list will continue to grow over time as I identify new members that meet the criteria and show an interest in becoming members here as well.

Two of the more important links in the tutorial that I would especially make sure you’ve read are post #2 here which has more about the different ways to buy a suitable mattress that is the best “match” for you in terms of PPP (Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and Personal preferences) that can help you assess and minimize the risks of making a choice that doesn’t turn out as well as you hoped for that are involved in each of them and post #13 here which has more about the most important parts of the “value” of a mattress purchase which can help you make more meaningful quality/value comparisons between mattresses in terms of suitability, durability, and value.

The tutorial also includes this link to a list of some of the better online options I’m aware of that ship across Canada and the better options and possibilities I’m aware of in the Toronto / GTA region (subject to the quality/value guidelines I linked) are listed in post #1 here.

You can read more about Charles P Rogers in post #34 here earlier in this topic (and the rest of the topic we are posting in) and in this topic and this topic as well and a forum search on Charles P Rogers (you can just click the link) will bring up more comments and feedback about them as well. There are also some comments about the Powercore Estate 9000 in posts #3 and #4 here that may be helpful.

I would also be very cautious about using other people’s reviews or experiences on a mattress (either positive or negative) as a reliable source of information or guidance about how suitable a mattress may be for you or the durability of a mattress and in many cases they can be more misleading than helpful because a mattress that would be a perfect choice for one person may be completely unsuitable for someone else either in terms of suitability and PPP (Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and Personal preferences) or in terms of durability (see post #13 here). Reviews about the knowledge or service at a particular store can certainly be helpful but when it comes to the specifics of a mattress they won’t provide you with the type of reliable information you will need to make an informed choice about how well you will sleep on a mattress, how long you will sleep well, or the “value” of a mattress purchase compared to all the other options that are available to you either in your area or online.

Outside of PPP … a mattress is only as good as its construction and the quality of the materials inside it regardless of the name of the manufacturer so if you can find out and list the specifics of any of the CPR mattresses you are considering (see this article) then I can certainly make some comments about the quality of the materials or help you identify whether there are any weak links in the design.

As you probably know (or at least will come to realize from the previous links in this reply) … the only way you can know for certain whether any mattress will be suitable for you in terms of PPP and whether you will sleep well on it will be based on your own testing or personal experience so I would make sure that you are comfortable with any return and/or exchange options that you have with any online purchase (and the costs involved) just in case your choice doesn’t turn out as well as you hoped for because there is little value in purchasing a mattress that you don’t sleep well on regardless of the quality of the materials or the price of the mattress.

I think that in most cases it’s self evident based on their previous history and questions on the site prior to their “review” (and it’s not that difficult to recognize a pattern of “planted” reviews which are so common on many sites) but as I mentioned earlier in this reply I wouldn’t pay all that much attention to other people’s experiences or reviews about any particular mattress anyway because they will likely have little relevance to your own specific needs and preferences and reading reviews (here or anywhere) is very different from the type of research that I would suggest in the first place. I would rely more on your own careful testing and experience and more factual information and analysis and all the other parts of your personal value equation that are important to you to make your choices rather than the more subjective opinions of others that can’t be validated or isn’t relevant to you.

If a mattress is a good match for you in terms of PPP and also meets the quality/durability guidelines in post #4 here then it would certainly be reasonable to expect that it will last you for 10 years or depending on the quality and durability of the materials … in some cases even longer.

Good luck in your search and I’m looking forward to finding out what you end up deciding … and of course any additional comments or questions you may have along the way :slight_smile:
