DIY King Latex Mattress Build Using the Saatva Natural Latex Mattress Topper

I already have a latex mattress for my primary residence master bedroom that I ordered from Arizona Premium Mattress about 12 years ago. We love this mattress.

I’m trying to build another king latex mattress that is more economical for another master bedroom in a second home. I recently acquired a king Saatva Natural Latex Mattress Topper locally at a cheap price and trying to use it in this latex mattress build. Would the Sleep EZ Roma with the Saatva Natural Latex Mattress Topper be the most economical latex mattress currently available on the market?

Please advise on what other options are available.


Welcome back to the Mattress UnderGround, it has been a while since we have seen you, but glad to have you back!

I’m not entirely convinced that the best approach is to design a mattress around a topper, especially considering that Saatva doesn’t disclose the ILD of their natural latex topper. They only mention using foams with ILDs ranging from 18 to 30, which raises some concerns.

While @Sleep_EZ or @Arizona_Premium might be able to accommodate the Saatva topper in their designs, I would suggest prioritizing the construction of the mattress based on your specific comfort preferences. Generally, I recommend leaning towards a firmer mattress as foams tend to soften over time.

Given that the Saatva topper is only 1.5 inches thick, it shouldn’t significantly alter the overall feel of the mattress anyway. Although, you may recognize a slight difference, but selecting a different mattress cover can affect the feel of a mattress. Everyone is different and can be affected by subtle differences, while others will offer “it all feels the same to me.”

I encourage our expert Trusted Members mentioned to provide their expert insights on the matter.

Good luck with your project.


I confirmed that the Saatva latex topper is Talalay latex with ILD in the range of 12-16. Hopefully that helps.

Hello Pglover19

Thank you for your inquiry!

Our Roma model features a 6" core of 100% Natural Dunlop latex, with 3" of medium density and 3" of firm density, complemented by an inch and a half of quilting on each side of the mattress, all finished with an organic cotton knit covering. This design allows for two different comfort levels on each side: the medium side up provides a medium-plush feel, while the firm side up offers a firm-plush overall feel.

The Roma mattress is one of our most popular models, not only because of its dual comfort options but also due to its competitive price point. With a total height of 9", it offers excellent value. It’s worth noting that there are very few king-size 9" latex mattresses in the industry priced under $1100, making the Roma a particularly economical choice.

If you choose to purchase the Roma mattress, you may find one of the sides comfortable enough without the need for a topper. I recommend testing it for a couple of weeks before considering adding a topper. If you experience pressure point pains or discomfort during this time, adding a topper for pressure relief may be beneficial. Typically, toppers are added to a mattress when it is too firm, providing additional contouring and pressure relief.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out at any time. We’re here to help!

SleepEZ Team

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