Does it really take 24-48 hours to regain form after shipping?

My bed from Ultimate Dreams came in. I just unpacked it and right now it is extremely soft (like a pillow). Obviously, it takes some time to fully inflate itself and regain some firmness. Does it really take 24-48 hours for this process to complete? Is it safe to sleep on during this time?

Well, I decided to try it out for a few seconds. I do not understand how something so soft can be so supportive.

We thought the same thing when we got ours last week. I was beginning to think our mattress had gotten switched by mistake with someone elses’ but, after a few days, we’ve started noticing improvement in our sleep and how we feel in the morning. I wasn’t really “wowed” with the mattress right away but its growing on me.

Thanks. I told Chuck I was concerned about pressure points. I don’t think that’s going to be a problem on this mattress at all. Still surprised that it can be both plush and supportive at the same time.

Did you notice any changes over the first 48 hours?

Changes in the mattress? No, it seemed to be full after a few hours but changing our foundation helped.

Changes in our sleep? Yes, I usually woke up very stiff; painfully stiff but after the first night I woke up with barely any stiffness but was sore. After the second night,I woke up with no stiffness but sore in my neck and shoulders and I think that was b/c I was using a thicker pillow. When I use my flat as a pancake pillow, I wake up refreshed and no soreness or stiffness but when I’ve used our thicker pillows, I’ve woken up with sore neck and shoulders.

I felt the same way you do as far the softness not being supportive. I didn’t think there was any way something that soft could be still be supportive but, now I can’t wait to go to bed and before it was something I didn’t look forward to. So, it did take a few days, actually probably closer to a week to really adjust to it. I’m hoping the latex pillow will resolve the sore neck/shoulders.

The bed has definitely firmed up some. At first I thought I should have gone firmer, now I’m glad I didn’t.

Hi Drog,

Yes … you can sleep on it right away. The latex will usually fully expand within a few seconds (depending to some degree on how long it has compressed). The polyfoam may take a little longer but will usually not be far behind.

This is the nature of latex and why those who prefer it like it so much. Many people who sit on it or press on it with their hands are completely surprised at the difference when they lie on it. This is because of the nature of the material, it’s point elasticity, compression modulus, resilience and of course the ILD chosen. Latex is unique in its ability to be responsive, soft and supportive … all at the same time :slight_smile:


Thank you. After sleeping on the mattress for a few nights, the mattress is much softer than what I am used to (though it offers great support for its level of firmness). I also seem to be sleeping great on it even though I’m a bit sore in the morning. I’m sure my body is still adjusting to it.

One thing I have noticed is it sleeps on the hot side, and when the mattress starts getting hot is seems like I sink in more than I do when I first lie down on it. I would like to keep the same feeling I get when I first lie down and perhaps add some surface comfort without adding any plushness to the bed and cool it down a bit. I would not mind a bit of extra firmness though I don’t think it’s really necessary.

Having said that, what kind of mattress pad would you recommend? The wool pads look really thick and I’m afraid they may add too much plushness to my bed. As an experiment, I took the top quilted comfort layer from my old bed and placed it on top of my new bed which made the bed way too plush for me. When I lay down on the bed over top of my thin hand made quilt, it seems like a great fit and definitely keeps me cool (I’ve actually woken up shivering when falling asleep this way). Would a cotton topper be better for my needs?


Hi drog,

The combination of more breathable quilting foam and latex is generally fairly cool sleeping for most people but there are many factors involved in temperature regulation including how far you are sinking in so besides the ones you can’t change (the layers and cover of the mattress) … and how far you sink in (the combination of your body weight, shape, sleeping positions, and the layers of the mattress) the things you can change are the mattress protector/mattress pad and the sheets and bedding … both of which can make a big difference in temperature.

Polyfoam and latex isn’t heat sensitive like memory foam and while all materials have some slight “creep” (which is the tendency of foam to relax with constant pressure), neither would account for your perception that the foams get softer with heat so this would be more of a subjective perception than an actual softening of the layers.

It’s very difficult to firm up a mattress because any soft layers under firmer layers will still compress but it can be adjusted slightly. A wool mattress pad or topper would be a good choice for this because it can add some localized pressure relief but will also result in less sinking in to the mattress foam layers and will add breathability and temperature control. Your experiment with the had made quilt (not sure what this is made of or its thickness) seems to confirm that a choice of protector and/or sheets may solve this. The quilted comfort layer you were mentioning is probably just adding more foam or synthetic fiber to the mattress and it doesn’t surprise me that it didn’t work.

Plushness and softness are really the same thing and to me it sounds like you already have enough of both (you seem to be looking more to firm up the comfort layers than soften it).

First though … I would take a look at your protector, sheets and bedding. Can you let me know which of these (if any) you are currently using… and is your mattress on the wire grid foundation or something else?


I am not using a protector at this time (wanted to see how the bed felt first). The sheets are cheap microfiber (polyester?) and I have no doubt they are a contributing factor to the heat, however, it seems a little warmer on this bed than my previous bed when using the same sheets (a sleep number like air bed with a few thin layers of convoluted and memory foam and a quilted top). My mattress is on the wire grid.

I changed my pillow from memory foam to a more traditional material and that seems to have helped with the night sweats, but my back is still warmer than I’d like. I do not seem to be bottoming out on the bed. Also, the top of the bed does not seem to be a traditional quilted top.

The quilt I was referring to is very thin but I can’t remember what it is made out of (whatever it is, it is very cool to lie down on but keeps me warm enough when I am underneath of it).

Hi drog,

All other things being equal and ruling out any other factors … this could be the reason. You may be sinking in more deeply into this mattress than with your previous mattress and with the sheets possibly being a less breathable layer … they could be reducing the airflow and resulting in a thicker “insulating” layer around your body. A leather fabric on a car seat that covers foam would be an example of how a single layer can lead to temperature or perspiration issues.

Because you are looking to reduce the amount you sink in (to be confirmed because you also mentioned wanting some extra “plushness”) … and because of the excellent breathability of wool, a wool mattress protector or even a mattress pad (a little thicker) that has protective qualities may well do the trick in both of the factors you are looking to fine tune. There’s more information and some links to some good resources in post #10 here about some of the differences between different types of protectors, mattress pads, and mattress toppers and some examples in post #15 here.

An example of a thin wool protector (not so much a mattress pad) that is water resistant (not waterproof), thin and stretchy (so it has less effect on the mattress) and very breathable would be the Dormeir. They are high quality and available at several places including here and here. More information about various wool mattress pads and sources is in the last part of post #32 here and in post #3 here.

I would probably suggest waiting till your experience on the mattress has “stabilized” and you have more clarity on what you want to adjust and how and then deciding what if anything you may wish to add to the mattress.


You’re right. This mattress is much different than what I’m used to. It also doesn’t seem to feel as warm as it did before. How long does it take for the experience to stabilize?

Hi drog,

This can vary a lot with the person and many external factors as well but it will generally be anywhere from a few days to as much as 3 months. For most people the first month is the most important. You can tell that things are “stabilizing” when your experience on the mattress and how you sleep is more consistent night to night rather than one day feeling one way and the next not being sure or feeling differently. Once you consistently feel pretty much the same every night (either good or a consistent set of “not so good” symptoms) … then you will know that this is likely to be your longer term experience and it’s time to consider any fine tuning or adjustments if necessary. Sometimes it can be very surprising how differently people feel after a few weeks than they felt when they first started sleeping on the mattress.

During this time frame … you may also notice things moving in a certain direction (such as better or worse “symptoms” in certain areas) and this can be a pointer as well in terms of which direction things are moving.

In general it depends on the person (flexibility, health issues, how wide an ideal “range” they may have etc), how much the body has “memorized” a less than ideal sleeping position on their previous mattress, how different the old and new mattresses are, the type of testing that was done (subjective “comfort” or more objective needs and preferences) and on the many external factors that may also be affecting how you sleep.


How does the Natura Wash N Snuggle compare to the Dormier if my goal is to keep myself cool and sink in to the mattress a little less?

Hi drog,

There also appears to be two versions which is the Wash n Snuggle fitted mattress pad (16 oz/sq yd) and the Wash n Snuggle topper which is thicker (would have more wool).

I know the Dormeir is quite stretchy and has 7.5 oz/sq yd of wool (quite low and thin) so it would have less effect on the feel of the mattress than the Natura mattress pad or topper compared to the Dormeir. Protectors with more wool would tend to modify the compression and feel more and the stretchiness of the cover will also have an effect as well (more stretchy will allow for more compression of the latex underneath).


Thanks. Since I’m looking for a little less compression, I’m not sure the Dormier is for me (though it seems like a great product).

Hi drog,

Based on wanting to have a bigger effect and reduce the compression and “firm up” the latex layers a bit … I also think that a thicker wool protector or pad will probably be closer to what you are looking for. This is one of the ways that you can actually make a mattress a bit firmer although there are limits to how far you can go and the type of firmness (surface pressure relief or deeper support) that can be affected.


Thanks again. The Natura product I was looking at seems to be about 10 oz per square yard (judging by weight and looking at similar products). I suppose I could go for a non washable thicker pad like a snug fleece, but they have polyester backing and I’m trying to reduce heat as well.

Drog, How about this 1.5" thick wool pad? It’s expensive, but looks really nice and it gives you a good layer of wool covered in cotton which should keep the heat at bay.

It definitely looks nice but it’s more than I want to spend right now.