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Hi Bedreader and welcome to the mattress underground.

It is great that your research had led you to a specific mattress. Without specific knowlege of your PPP’s and body profile, it is hard to offer any suggestions or opinion on whether any choice you make matches up to those criteria.

Just keep in mind that SoL mattresses are prebuilt combinations and the layers are not interchangeable once ordered. You certainly can add a topper if too firm, but if it turns out to be too soft, a topper is not likely to help.

Trusted members such as @Arizona_Premium, @Latex_Mattress_Fact1 @FLEXUS_COMFORT offer mattress systems with interchangeable layers, should you come across a pre styled latex mattress that can not be adjusted without exchanging the entire mattress system. You even have the ability for split comfort for each sleeper if that is a necessary option.

Please continue your research as you have indicated so that you can make the best informed decision for you and any potential or existing partner may benefit from.

The TMU has a world of information as you have experienced… Good luck as you near your final approach to landing the perfect mattress.

Happy New Year and welcome to TMU,


Dont forget to take advantage of the title of this thread.

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