for anyone thinking of ordering laxtex toppers off of ebay i found have some info for you, i ordered from a two sellers the first
i thought this was a good deal since it came from latexco and 264$ shipped for a 3" topper sounded good, especially with a 30 day return policy. i was told this was blended talalay from latexco, i got it in the firm, 34-40 ILD put it on top of my 6" 36 ILD 1.8LB polyfoam and topped it with the BB 2" 5.0 LB memory foam topper. boy it is super firm. too firm for my liking. My shoulders dont sink enough and my back hurts( primarily stomach sleeper). After digging a litlte deeper and calling Latexco, this is actually blended Dunlop called Ecoline. i cant believe how little these people selling latex actually know about their products. it going back, i already got the RMA.
the second piece i got was a 1" 16-18 ILD topper from a seller hahtauctions
in the description its labeled as dunlop, after a call with the owner it is actually puralux from latexco. another wrong labeled product, but i knew from research on here that puralux was good product so i ordered it. it arrived today and looks good, i put it on the top of my homeade mattress i mentioned above.
Funny thing is both these sellers drop ship from Latexco East in GA.
Now anyone looking for a cheap bamboo and wool cover i ordered one of those as well:
this is actually pretty nice for the price, it only is about 1/2" thick so not too much quilting in the top which was what i was looking for, the zipper seems a little fragile but i wont zipper it until i am happy with my mattress. also this seller has some pretty nice made in the USA covers made from bamboo/wool or organic cotton.
i have to pack up the synthetic dunlop topper from the first seller and ship it back in the next few days. I have 2 options to replace it. i know i need a little softer so i can either go with the same seller and get the same latex in a 28-33 ILD synthetic Dunlop or i emailed chuck from BB and since i returned my UD mattress and lost some money on the shipping he was willing to give me talalaly in 32 ILD at the same price, i think i am going to go this route. but i haven’t made up my mind, i thought i would come here and try to get some insight from Pheonix.
i figured if anyone was in the same boat i was and thinking about ordering from ebay i would pass this info along here so they don’t have to be the guinea pig like i was.
i will reiterate what pheonix had said, because i now see this, MAKING YOUR OWN MATTRESS IS HARD. i thought what i designed would be perfect, guess what some of 3" layer of synthetic dunlop is going back. i think i will replace it with a 2" layer instead in 32ILD Talaly or 28-33 ILD Synthetic Dunlop, seeing as i am a stomach sleeper and i keep seeing that thinner comfort layers are better. so this is my mattress in the cover i listed above:
6" 36 ILD 1.8LB polyfoam
3" firm, 34-40 ILD synthetic dunlop
BB 2" 5.0 LB memory foam topper
1" 16-18 ILD Puralux