Have you ever heard of ??

Hi ima,

Here’s the process I would go through (for the benefit of those who may be following)

As I mentioned … I would personally pay a premium to buy a known mattress from a local manufacturer rather than taking the risk of buying online … but only to a point. A relatively small difference of say 20% or less spread out over the life of a mattress would not justify the risk for me. Each of us needs to decide on our own number though where the savings are worth the risk of buying a mattress that is somewhat “unknown”. If the premium is too much though, then I would certainly make an online purchase my next option. Since the $1299 of the Portland Pedic is more than say 20% more than the high density memory foam at Overnight (which has an extra cost so is actually more than the $799 less the discount as well) … then I’d probably go with the Overnight unless the Portland Pedic was absolutely “perfect” in which case I’d still strongly consider it.

I’m assuming too that you’ve looked at your options at maidenmaine which may have options you haven’t considered yet and which may work very well.

Regarding option #2.

Your choices here look like good ones as long as your Dunlop comfort layers work well for you. The only down side to this mix would be the transition between latex and memory foam in the middle of the mattress.

Regarding option #3.

I personally wouldn’t order anything from foambymail or any of their alternative websites. IMO … the risks are to high that their foams are misdescribed and the small saving isn’t worth the risk.

There is some 5 lb Aerus here if that’s the direction you are looking at. With your greater weights … you could add another inch of other material and a little thickness on top is not a bad idea. I would personally avoid any unknown or memory foam that hasn’t been CertiPur certified or has another good certification. There are just too many good options to take the chance. Foam order will supply you with American made foam if you ask. There are some good Sensus foams which would probably work well and you can even get Venus which is higher density yet. There are some links in this thread to some good options.

I would also consider going thicker than 9".

You will need both a mattress zip cover to surround and protect the foam and complete your mattress and also a protector to protect the mattress from moisture, body oils, etc. The SleepEz non quilted cover is also very nice and a little less. There’s a picture in post #76 here (the color is actually off white). The Dormeir is a very nice wool protector but bear in mind it may firm up memory foam by isolating it somewhat from heat. If you do a forum “title search” on “protector” or “cover” (without the quotes) there’s lots of information about various mattress protectors and covers.

Like the difference between option 1 and 2 … I would only go with option 3 if there was significant savings or another compelling reason (for example the challenge of designing your own mattress) to take the “risk”.
