having tried both tempurpedic and pure latex bliss i have noticed things i like and don’t like about both of them.
what they have in common is that both can provide proper support and relieve pressure points - so on a basic level of meeting those two main criteria of mattress performance they both pass with flying colors.
but that’s where similarities end. leaving aside issues of cost, availability, smell, natural vs chemical etc let’s focus on just the factors directly affecting comfort and sleep.
these would be:
1 - ability to regulate heat
2 - ability to regulate moisture
3 - ability to provide DYNAMIC support ( stabilize unwanted movement )
3 - ability to accomodate desired movement
then correct me if i am wrong:
1 - pass
2 - pass
3 - fail
4 - pass
1 - fail
2 - fail
3 - pass
4 - fail
considering that LATEX is also less toxic, less smelly, more natural and arguably longer lasting i want to work with Latex to the extent possible
but it has to be “deadened” somehow so that it feels stable as opposed to jello-like. as i mentioned in another thread, at least for me, this kind of stability seems to be necessary for complete relaxation.
how of course a slow response talalay would be what the doctor ordered in this case, but there seems to be an issue with availability there ? i only saw it from one retailer which only sells finished toppers ( with a zippered cover ) :
so if i use 2 or 3 layers i will have some extra covers that i paid for - i guess that’s not a huge issue - but the overall cost of these toppers is pretty high from that one retailer and i don’t see any other ones. ( edit : i called them and they confirmed it only comes with a cover and only in 3 inches thickness. they said the product is new - maybe in the future they will have different thicknesses and without cover )
it’s really good to see that it seems to be available in 19, 21, 24 and 28 ILD because that just about covers all my needs. it is however an experimental material and i was unable to find any real feedback for it - nobody really knows what chemicals are in there and / or how long it will last. the 5 year warranty is questionable.
but are there any other options ? it seems there are 3 ways at least:
1 - put memory foam over latex
2 - put memory foam below latex
3 - use thicker polyurethane foam support layers under the latex
and any combination of these …
( continued in the next post after i grab some coffee and rest my eyes )