Mattresses 24/7 on eBay vs SleepEZ 10000

Hi church11,

SleepEz still sells their non quilted cover as far as I’m aware. You can see a picture of it here (with lighting that makes it look darker than it is).

The advantage of an unquilted stretch knit cover is that it will put you closer to the latex so you will “feel” more of the properties of the latex below it. The advantage of a wool quilted cover is that the wool quilting provides better temperature and moisture regulation and will lower the surface resiliency of sleeping right on the latex. If the wool is used as the fire barrier then it also eliminates the need for a different type of fire barrier. there is more in post #6 here.

Ozone is a gas in the air not a liquid (O3) and a good quality cover of any kind (quilted or unquilted) will be enough to protect the latex from degrading prematurely.

The choice between them would based on each person’s preference.
