I have been doing a lot of research over the past few days which includes reading posts on this forum and other informational links from this website. A couple times I thought I had a mattress picked out only to do some more research to be sure it was the one I wanted and found something in the process that made me decide not to go with it.
Some background:
In my entire life I have not ever had a comfortable mattress. They have always been cheap low quality mattresses. It wasn’t until recently that I ever even thought about getting a decent mattress. I honestly don’t know how to choose a comfortable mattress because almost all of them I lay on in the store are much better then anything that I have had. I went to Sears the other day looking at some refrigerators and passed the mattress section in the process so I decided to try out a couple of them. Two of them I thought were really good were the icomfort and another one that I don’t remember the model of just that it was a plush mattress. Trying these out is what prompted me to go online and do some research. I just bought my first house so my plan is to invest in a decent mattress that will last me a long time and be worth the money spent.
Some mattresses I have looked at online so far:
I have dismissed most of these but it gives you an idea of what I have been looking at. I began to dismiss a number of these mattresses like the DynastyMattresss ones after reading a post by Phoenix that made some good points about not knowing what they chemicals were being put into them or where they were made. Subsequent research makes me think they are made in china. I liked the look of the LinenSpa mattress on the website but I think I may dismiss that one as well for the same reason as the Dynasty ones. The Ultimate Dreams has some good reviews but I am hesitant with that one because I don’t know if I would pick the correct fim/soft setting after ordering. The Foamex one is one I found by following a link that Phoenix gave as his recommendation in one of his posts. I like that it is a more natural mattress but I am still undecided on it.
After doing some research I think I would like a mattress that is similar to a plush mattress. I tried one like that in Sears and I liked it more then the firm ones. Originally I thought I wanted memory foam or gel memory foam like is in the icomfort but after reading about the chemicals and off gassing I think I would prefer a latex mattress. I have allergies and I do not like chemicals. The smell from household cleaning supplies is enough to make me feel sick.
One thing I have found that appeals to me is the natural latex. I think I would be much happier with a mattresses made of natural compounds. One site I have found that sells mattresses like that is:
I found this link in a thread created by someone who was narrowing down their comparisons. They were looking at the following line:
I like that mattress and I also like this one:
Are these two mattresses as good as the website makes them sound?
Their description says you can upgrade from a 2" topper to a 3" topper. Is this worth doing? It doesn’t say how much it would cost so I cannot compare it that way.
Even if they are as good as the website makes them sound I will still have to give them careful consideration because I don’t know if I am willing to spend that much money on a mattress. I wanted to get a quality mattress in full size or queen size for under $1000. These are not much over that so if they are truly worth the investment then I will consider it. For me the fact that it says they are made of natural ingredients is one of the biggest selling points.
This is where I am at so far. Any guidance in choosing the right mattress for me would be greatly appreciated. I would also like to compare the above to other natural mattresses so if anyone has a suggestion please let me know.
Also one more thing. Regardless of which mattress I end up buying, I was planning on building the platform for it myself rather then buying one so I would save some money. I was going to use the slat design as mentioned on the website given and in some of the forum posts I have read. Is this a good or bad idea? Please explain why.