Searching for New all-Latex Organic Mattress


I’m looking for some expert advice on finding an all-latex mattress. I purchased Brooklyn Bedding’s total latex (24 ILD over 32 ILD) over a decade ago, and it served me well, although I’ve gained some weight since then and started to find it too soft. So I had to retire it recently and am looking for a new all latex mattress. Since BB no longer sells this product, what is recommended for my and my hubbies sleep stats:

Me: height 5’4", weight 150 lbs, side sleeper
Husband: height 6’0", weight 195 lbs, side sleeper

We have a preference for all latex, and organic GOLS.

Also, I see latex matress options that split the two sides to tailor to each person. Do these halves every result in an elbow or shoulder getting wedged down between the two halves when sleeping? Do folks generally recommend or avoid split halves?

Thanks for your help,

Hi Giselle and welcome to the forums! Based on the information you’ve provided, I think our 10" Luxerion would be a great choice! We’d normally recommend our soft setup (soft over medium over firm) for your side, and medium setup (medium/medium/firm) for his side. You can just ask the mattress to be half-soft half-medium in the comments section at checkout. This is an all-latex mattress made with all Dunlop, and it is GOLS Dunlop.

Regarding the split layers, about 95% of our mattresses go out with all split layers from top to bottom, and we get zero complaints on being able to feel the split and we get zero complaints about the layers shifting or anything like that. If all of your layers are split, you will always be able to adjust your side without affecting your partner’s side and vice versa, and you’ll have that option for the entire 20 year lifespan of the mattress. Additionally, the mattress will be easier to assemble, easier to move if needed, easier to do any layers exchanges if needed, and easier to return if needed. There really are no downsides to having all split layers.

If you get split layers inside one cover, you shouldn’t expect to encounter any problems regarding the split. If you get split layers in split covers, where each side of the mattress is in its own cotton & wool cover, there will be a gap at the top of the bed between the two mattresses. This setup is normally used on adjustable bases, where the couple wants to be able to raise and lower one half of the mattress while the other side stays flat, for example.

Hello Giselle, and welcome to the Mattress Underground,

Latex_Mattress_Fact has addressed the setup well. Some of that setup is quite personal, as you know, so being able to try it out or alternatively swap it out after the fact if it does not work is really key to your search.

Our Obasan mattresses are all-latex, all GOLS and the cotton and wool in the mattresses is also certified organic. They have a swap out option after you’ve tried the mattress for 30 days. All the layers come inside a sturdy cover. The top layer goes across the support layers, so that alleviates any risk of splitting, as you mentioned - and because the layers fit snugly inside the cover, we have not had anyone ever mention that the layers split.

Best of luck with your search!

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