Spindle Mattress question

Hello, I am planning to order a new Spindle mattress, the choose your own firmness, and am having a hard time deciding which firmness to go with. I’m new to latex. I’m primarily a side sleeper, and with my current mattress have had some instances of shoulder pain and my arm going numb. My husband is primarily a back sleeper. I’m trying to decide between medium/medium/firm and soft/medium/firm. Any tips? The company says you can put the layers into any configuration–does anyone with experience know if this is true?

Hi SE2 and new fellow MUGster,

I am sure someone from @Spindle_Mattress will be able to answer your questions regarding their mattress and mattress combinations. Dont forget to take advantage of their TMU discount here Spindle Mattress and Discount Code. which is in addition to their offerings on their Website using this Link to Spindle

I own a Spindle mattress configured with Med/Med/Firm layers. It’s a guest room queen bed. It’s currently configured as Medium Firm.
Medium (top)
Firm (center)
I’ve slept on a it few times when feeling ill and it’s a very comfortable Med/Firm build.

When my son and his spouse visit, we convert it to Medium/Medium/Firm. That’s their preference and according to them, it’s ideal comfort for their side sleeping.

Spindle is a very good, reliable company. Give them a call. They are very helpful.


Quick word of caution, they are very backlogged. I recently cancelled my order with them after 6 weeks with no ship and no ETA.