White flag raised - my unconditional surrender

Hi Billyidol,

I agree with your decision to steer away from Reverie.

Maybe the firm latex is really for me. Which leads me to the total genius of the Flobeds VZone. Total adjustability. Im just wondering if the feel of the Flobeds will be anything like the King Koil

Well said … “total genius of the @FloBeds VZone”. To my knowledge, they are the first to come up with a highly customizable design using only high-quality materials. They have plenty of experience with suggesting the best VZone configuration and finding creative solutions if the bed needs some fine-tuning. At this point, they are the best to answer any of your questions so I’d defer all other Qs to them. I’d see if you can find the specs and layering of the bed you liked and run it by Dewey or Dave at FloBeds. They’ll be able to better assess how close you can come to the feeling you liked. I’d definitely give them a call or reach out through FloBeds expert forum here:

SleepEZ is a great option as well but not as customizable as VZone. Of course, the good quality and lower price point are equally attractive.

Good luck and hopefully your deep research looking into more than 20 mattresses, will pay off and you’ll find something that is really suitable for you and your partner.


LackOSleep, did you ever find a good solution?

Lack of Sleep hasnt been on this forum for a long time.
