Mattresses 24/7 on eBay vs SleepEZ 10000

you are correct about this pic from the forum:

it IS from sleepez (also at 247). From my description of the cover to Shawn, the president there on Sat. he said they had never sold such a cover. I sent the pic to him today and he says it IS their cover but the pic on their site is old. you were correct when you said it should be available to see when they finish their updates.
So- you said before this was one of the best covers you had seen. Have you seen it in the flesh or just in pictures? Shawn says it is about 1/4" thick. Asked if it would protect the talalay from deterioration he indicated not so much since it is thin but that sheets and blankets in addition would be sufficient. Your thoughts?
he says the 10000 series would fit 9" of tal.
also it is made of cotton and rayon not cotton and spandex as i said before.